The FBI Isn’t The Only Guilty Party In The ‘Twitter Files,’ And It Isn’t ‘Partisan’ To Say So – IOTW Report

The FBI Isn’t The Only Guilty Party In The ‘Twitter Files,’ And It Isn’t ‘Partisan’ To Say So


Matt Taibbi took to Twitter on Saturday to express his frustration with the politicization of the “Twitter Files.” The fact that a considerable number of the responses to the “Twitter Files” has been right-wing political outrage and leftist “whataboutism” has turned it into a “partisan pissing match,” he said. Instead, he would prefer that outrage be directed at the “real targets” of his and his peers’ reporting, the federal bureaucracy and intelligence agencies.  

And whereas bureaucrats and spooks alike were exposed for engaging in actual fascism, a truth that Taibbi is clearly uncomfortable with remains: Everything the “Twitter Files” exposed indicates that the federal government and Big Tech colluded to further entrench a despotic regime in accordance with the Democratic Party’s political and ideological goals.

Taibbi’s statement is somewhat puzzling. After all, which political party overwhelmingly benefited from the “meddling” of the intelligence apparatus and Twitter? Which political party’s interests did this meddling explicitly serve? And what political party did the disenfranchised overwhelmingly belong to? 

The first installment of the “Twitter Files” revealed that Twitter and the Democrats collaborated to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, which verifiably altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. In it, Taibbi noted that whereas Twitter did take specific content moderation requests from Republicans, the “system wasn’t balanced. It was based on contacts. Because Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation.” more

5 Comments on The FBI Isn’t The Only Guilty Party In The ‘Twitter Files,’ And It Isn’t ‘Partisan’ To Say So

  1. The feigned opposition is as guilty as the party that appears to have benefitted from the collusion of Politics/BigTech. What We the People have is the illusion of choice… “Our Betters” have seen to it.

  2. The Republican establishment is every bit as invested in The Biden Regime and the goings on with regard to censoring information as the Democrats. Furthermore it wouldn’t have happened without their buy in.

  3. Years ago on one of his shows, Rush talked about Rob Reiner, how his whole adult life he was ant-war, anti-military, anti-guns, and self-protection in any form, how when Obama was inaugurated the military did a fly over and as he looked up at the spectacle a big smile came on his face as he commented to those around him, “Those are our planes now”.

    Indignation results now only if your guys spied on our guys, Legacy Media is only biased and needs guardrails if they are saying bad things about our guys, and the correctness or legality of the weaponization of federal agencies is determined solely on which way the muzzle is pointing.

    Nobody, either party, can be trusted to wield this power fairly and judiciously, they must be kept on a short leash and watched like a hawk.

  4. A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man. In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker.
    H. L. Mencken

  5. @JD
    That’s why Trump had to be taken out of office he couldn’t be bought as far as I can see.
    lately that quote from Jefferson I think about the Republic could only stand with a moral and religious people. And this is the result.


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