Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Overturns Decision to Block Midterm Election Recounts – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Overturns Decision to Block Midterm Election Recounts

Chesco United:
On February 10, 2023, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court issued a decision reinforcing the value of transparency and security of elections. Ruling on an appeal brought by citizens of Chester County, Pennsylvania, the Honorable Christine Cannon provided a historical victory for the principle of the rule-of-law that all citizens are accountable to the same laws, including those holding government office.

Due to documented concerns about the transparency and security of election processes, 33 voters in Chester County, Pennsylvania filed 11 petitions to recount ballots from the 2022 midterm election. The recount petitions were filed in the Chester County Court of Common Pleas and assigned to Judge Jeffrey R. Sommer. Rather than schedule the recounts as required under the recount statute, Judge Sommer scheduled a hearing on the petitions. Judge Sommer then invited the Chester County Board of Elections – which is comprised of the County Commissioners – to respond to the recount petitions. The Democrat-controlled Board of Elections objected to the recounts, rather than submitting the ballots to the court so recounts could be completed. The Board of Elections argued that the petitioners were required to file petitions in every precinct in Pennsylvania (more than 9,000 precincts) which would be prohibitively costly. Fees to file petitions in every county would total over $2.2 million. MORE

9 Comments on Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Overturns Decision to Block Midterm Election Recounts

  1. In PA? That is almost a miracle.

    I should have graphed or spreadsheeted every time one of these small fight backs were/are victorious.

    As it is, that feeling that freedom is undulating beneath the THE SWAMP, like the tremors before an earthquake, are growing.

    Could it be? Could it be that The FREEDOM EARTHQUAKE is building?

  2. And what happened to the Elections officials who illegally fought to block the recount?

    In a real world, they would resign or be forced out.

    And same for the Judge who applied the wrong law and ruled improperly.

  3. “… the Elections officials who illegally fought …”

    Traitors to their oaths of office – Traitors to their State, their Counties, and their cities, towns, and villages.

    They should be indicted, tried, and (when convicted) executed for Defrauding their sovereign, misprision, and as a general warning to others.

    As long as we suffer maggots to infest our offices, maggots will infest our offices.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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