Joe Biden Tried to Sunset Social Security, All Other Federal Programs as a Senator – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Tried to Sunset Social Security, All Other Federal Programs as a Senator

Breitbart: Joe Biden introduced legislation that would sunset all federal programs, including social security, every four years when he was a freshman United States senator in 1975.

On Tuesday night at the State of the Union, Biden stated that “some Republicans” wish to “sunset” social security and Medicare, leading to significant pushback from GOP lawmakers on the House floor while millions watched.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has said on several occasions that Republicans in the House – where the framework to a debt ceiling resolution will be formed – are not seeking to slash the programs as part of their desired cuts to offset the $31.7 trillion debt ceiling reached last month. He shook his head in disagreement when Biden made the claims from the rostrum.

On Thursday, Biden spoke at the University of Tampa in Florida and noted that Sen. Rick Scott’s (R-FL) “Rescue America” policy plan included a proposal to sunset all federal legislation every five years.

“If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the plan adds.

Biden said that maybe Scott had “changed his mind, maybe he’s seen the Lord – but he wanted to… sunset social security and Medicare every five years.” MORE. h/t Brad.

11 Comments on Joe Biden Tried to Sunset Social Security, All Other Federal Programs as a Senator

  1. A great idea to sunset laws. And especially Social Security, although RNC is vociferously denying that they want to. SS should go away – paying out based upon what people have already paid in, but at least giving taxpayers the option of not having FICA deducted anymore and losing future payouts, instead keeping their money today to invest as they see fit.

  2. 1) Had then individuals money been invested, instead of being available for politicians to “invest,” every one who worked and contributed would retire fairly well off.

    2) Has there EVER been one single instance of any Democrat accusing others of something when it hasn’t been the case that the behavior they are pointing their bony finger at others for has been exactly what they themselves have been guilty of? If there has it is a well kept secret.

  3. EVERY program, Agency, Department, tax, and act of Congress should die at the end of the Congress that passed it.

    Only the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are perpetual.

    If a subsequent Congress wants it, they should vote on it.
    We’d be saddled with less bullshit – we’re still paying on crap that was passed during the Spanish-American War!

    And each “Representative” “represents” 750,000 people! Really? That’s so stupid on so many levels, but there it is! And that’s by statute, not by the Constitution – we should return to each “Representative” “representing” 75,000 – as the Constitution stipulates.

    They keep usurping power into fewer and fewer hands – until “There can be only one!”

    And we peons just keep bobbing our heads and watching TV … waiting for Friday night.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Shrub (I know – koff! gag!) tries to phase our SocSec for a replacement secured investment program that would do essentially what JDHasty said.
    But he was raked over the coals by (guess who!?) DILDOCRATS who accused him of wanting to (essentially) impoverish senior citizens.

  5. When the name of the game is to rob the country blind, everything’s on the table!!
    Fewer police due to defund the police, but yer taxes didn’t go down. Where’s the money??
    Fewer students in the public schools, but yer taxes didn’t go down. Where’s the money??
    Watching these Socialists loot the Treasury like it’s an inner city CVS. Where’s the money??
    Get the picture yet??


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