Snowden Says UFO Hysteria is “Engineered” Distraction From Nord Stream Pipeline Bombshell – IOTW Report

Snowden Says UFO Hysteria is “Engineered” Distraction From Nord Stream Pipeline Bombshell


NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says the hysteria over UFOs being shot down over America and Canada is a distraction from Seymour Hersh’s story about the U.S. being responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines.

Over the past week, there have been at least four instances of U.S. fighter jets destroying unidentified flying objects, in one case over Alaska, an object that had no means of propulsion but was spotted flying at 40,000 feet and pilots said interfered with the sensors of their aircraft.

Yesterday, the White House denied that the objects were extraterrestrial in nature, although the glib dismissal if anything only continued to feed into speculation online that ET had paid a flying visit.

In reality, as most people have pointed out, the shootdowns are likely a show of force to save the Biden administration’s blushes from questions as to why the Chinese spy balloon was allowed to monitor America in the first place. more

6 Comments on Snowden Says UFO Hysteria is “Engineered” Distraction From Nord Stream Pipeline Bombshell

  1. What is the next level after surreal? If anyone would have even suggested the shit going on today when I was in high school they would not have been taken seriously. The English language isn’t keeping up with the task of labeling their antics now.

    Flying around the Western Hemisphere shooting down fucking weather balloons is the stuff comedy writers used to make a living coming up with, today it’s on the Goddamned news.


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