China-Mitch McConnell Has Worse Unfavorability Rating Than George Santos – IOTW Report

China-Mitch McConnell Has Worse Unfavorability Rating Than George Santos

Serial liar Santos, who raked in only 42 percent unfavorability, has 11 percent less negativity than the official leader of the GOP Senate.

WFB: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is less popular with Republican voters than GOP Rep. George Santos, who recently stepped down from his House committee assignments after he was criticized for repeatedly lying about his background.

A new poll from Monmouth shows that while 23 percent of GOP voters find McConnell “favorable,” 53 percent of conservative constituents see the Kentucky senator in an unfavorable light. That “clearly negative rating,” as researchers at Monmouth put it, means voters view serial liar Santos, who raked in only 42 percent unfavorability, with 11 percent less negativity than the official leader of the GOP Senate.

McConnell also scored poorly compared to Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was stripped of her committee assignments by Democrats for posting controversial statements to her Facebook prior to her election and even shamed by members of her party. Approximately 30 percent of Republican votes approved of Greene, while just 19 percent were critical of her. more here

4 Comments on China-Mitch McConnell Has Worse Unfavorability Rating Than George Santos

  1. “Bush Republican” Mitch has a “rap sheet” a yard long; over many years!

    But four he elected last year should be enough to understand his popularity.

    Mitch elected: Feterneck, Hobbs, Kelly and Warnock.

    I know he belatedlygave $ to Walker. – But his unpaid adds for Warnock made last Summer were played and replayed as “sound bites” las nov by the MSM. “Walker is so bad even “Republicans” say so. Not just any GOP but the Senate Leader!”! Mitch’s adds were worth 10 times what he gave to Walker!

  2. “53 percent of conservative constituents see the Kentucky senator in an unfavorable light.”

    Um no. The 47% are absolutely not Constitutional conservatives. They identify as such, but are to be regarded in the same light as Biden and Pelosi Catholics.


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