Washington: Democrats’ Law Gives Syringes and Crack Pipes to Kids – IOTW Report

Washington: Democrats’ Law Gives Syringes and Crack Pipes to Kids

My Northwest: The so-called Democrat fix to the Washington drug crisis would give children syringes, pipes, and other drug paraphernalia. It even sets up a “work group” to explore legally supplying drugs to addicts. This would turn the government into the state’s largest drug dealer.

After the Washington state supreme court declared our felony drug possession law unconstitutional, Democrats advanced a temporary bill legalizing personal possession of all drugs. It’s directly led to a historic fatal overdose crisis. They’ve now offered a “fix” with SB 5536. It would make drug possession a gross misdemeanor with a potential maximum jail sentence of 364 days, a $5,000 fine, or both. If the addict gets treatment as part of a diversion program, they would not serve jail time.

But buried in the bill is a counterproductive measure that will only further the crisis.

Law actively enables drug addicts

SB 5536 creates Health Engagement Hubs, enabling drug addicts to continue using.

The Hubs may be mobile or standalone structures and must provide opioid treatment options for addicts. But they must also provide “harm reduction services and supplies.” Harm reduction is a radical strategy that gives addicts tools to continue using their drug of choice. The supplies that will be passed out include clean syringes, crack pipes, and other “smoking equipment,” which typically includes steel wool to serve as a pipe filter, and rubber bands to wrap around the pipe’s mouthpiece to prevent burns.

By law, these Hubs must be “open to youth as well as adults.” This means that minors can access drug tools that keep them addicted.  MORE

9 Comments on Washington: Democrats’ Law Gives Syringes and Crack Pipes to Kids

  1. I actually approve of drug decriminalization. I really don’t care who uses what or how much of it they have. The only restriction I would have is that you have to be 18. However, I also believe that if you are stupid enough to use this crap, you pay the bill for any damages you cause as a result and for any hospitalizations you incur. And if the cops are forced to shoot your druggie ass while you’re in a psychotic rage, too fucking bad for you — guess you won’t be doing that again.

  2. I had to laugh when I saw this.

    My lifelong diabetic MIL has a very strict number of needles she gets by prescription ONLY, and both those andher insulin gets more expensive all the time.

    But addicts can get needles and drugs for free, paid for by taxpayers like me.

    My friend and co-worker just came back to work today. He’d been out for a week because his wife got a double masectomy. They think they got all the cancer so praise God, but they took away her pain pump yesterday. This was a little sealed device that was plumbed directly in that gave very strictly limited doses of Morphine and Fentanyl according to internal programming, and with nothing but Tylenol to follow its withdrawal. My friend and wife were told in no uncertain terms if the device was lost or damaged that one of them would be going to jail.

    But Smack addicts get theirs on the government dime, with no legal consequences whatsoever.

    They also have a different definition of “harm reduction” than I am familiar with. I carry Narcan I obtained through a harm reduction program because, in with the jab victims, I’ve had the odd Fentanyl casualty too. I had to sign for it, have it prescribed to me, and have to account for it if I use it or trade it if expired, and no one offered me needles or steel wool at the drug rehab center I picked it up from.

    …it seems that only the law-abiding are bound by laws. No attemt is made to bring laws to the lawless.

    …maybe we DO need to consider ending Police Departments like the commies say, but not for the same reason.

    If the police are ONLY going to be used to enforce laws on those who don’t break them, then truly the enterprise seems not only useless, but counter-productive as well as they WILL arrest YOU for shooting an addict attacking your home, but NOT the addict himself…


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