California: The Newsoms create problems, “solve” them, and cash checks along the way – IOTW Report

California: The Newsoms create problems, “solve” them, and cash checks along the way

Open the Books:
In the summer of 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom convinced the state legislature to provide $4.7 billion for K-12 mental health services, which, among other things, funded 10,000 new school counselors.

Gavin Newsom convinced the legislature because Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the wife of the governor, convinced him. The biggest advocate for mental health funding within the K-12 California public schools in the Newsom administration was Mrs. Newsom, according to published accounts.

In fact, Gavin Newsom created The Office of First Partner so his wife could promote her policy agenda using taxpayer money. Since 2019, Siebel Newsom’s been armed with nearly $5 million and nine staffers within her subdivision of the governor’s office.

Last November, Siebel Newsom’s advocacy and California’s spending priorities were outlined in a glowing news article. Loretta Whitson, Director of the California Association of School Counsellors, a trade association representing 3,000 California school counselors, was quoted:

“While the governor’s recent investment will add additional school counselors to the workforce, there will be an even greater need to access films and curriculum support material such as Siebel Newsom’s documentary series. (We) would love to work with her and support her efforts.” (Source: EdSource)

(When we reached out for comment, Whitson told us she’s never screened the films and couldn’t speak to Siebel Newsom’s influence on the legislation. She noted that the funding will improve the student-to-counselor ratio in California.)

Siebel Newsom spent years laying the ideological groundwork and political infrastructure to support her policy ambitions. MORE

5 Comments on California: The Newsoms create problems, “solve” them, and cash checks along the way

  1. Progressivism is designed to create problems, “solve” them, and cash checks along the way. If you have just recognized that you’re pretty slow on the uptake. My fourteen-year old daughter asked me if I agreed with what she was thinking about “wokes” the other day. anyone who hasn’t gotten it is either too stupid to ever get it or has a compelling reason (like they think they will profit from progressivism) to not get it.

  2. Rush has been gone for a couple years now, but his words live on: Follow the money. Never has that been so true than when evaluating the sincerity of “progressives.” Their prescriptions always lead back to them personally enriching themselves, their friends (campaign contributors, they don’t have any real friends), family members (who remind everyone about the 10% for the Big Guy) and business associates (campaign contributors).

  3. In Washington the Regional Homeless Authority just asked for $12,000,000 to “end homelessness.” That little ratfucker in the Ukraine doesn’t have anything on these bastards. You know damn well that this has been the hot topic in the backrooms and bathhouses in and around Olympia and Seattle, focusing on expectations regarding how the spoils are to be laundered through businesses fronted by friends, family and business associates how they are to be divided up among legislators and appointed heads of “non-profits.”

  4. “… Gavin Newsom created The Office of First Partner so his wife could promote her policy agenda using taxpayer money….”

    the 3rd generation of the pelosi crime family
    they started in baltimore and moved to greener pastures


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