Ric Grenell: Buttigieg makes gay community look ‘weak’ – IOTW Report

Ric Grenell: Buttigieg makes gay community look ‘weak’

Who wants to be given a job simply because they’re gay?” asked the openly gay Grenell, who served as acting Director of National Intelligence. “I can’t think of anything that’s more offensive.”

21 Comments on Ric Grenell: Buttigieg makes gay community look ‘weak’

  1. I doubt that faggot Petey could change a tire, fix a toilet, know a camshaft from a crankshaft, pilot a boat, run a mile, do 20 push-ups, do ONE pull-up, or even kill a spider.

    He looks like the poster boy/epitome of worthless and weak.
    The reality is he takes hot cock up the ass and enjoys the experience.
    Likely the only times in his life he works up a sweat.
    Somehow, some way, that makes him valuable to this fraudulent administration.

  2. I don’t care at all if you’re gay.
    I care if you go out of your way to prove that you’re gay because that is saying to me that you hold your lifestyle superior. And that’s where the trouble starts.

  3. he’s doing his best to turn our country into south bend
    when he was mayor there, Domino’s pizza was fixing the potholes in the roads, because they were messing up their pizzas when they were being delivered. True.
    he couldn’t even keep up with the potholes in the streets that he was mayor of.
    why anyone thought he could do his present job is beyond me. Maybe he did a kamala to get where he is.
    petey: take a hint and leave you job to ‘spend time with your family,’ that being your husband and the baby you bought

  4. Pete Butthead has been drinking in a bar and asks the bartender where the toilet is. So he goes to the toilet and he’s there pissing away when he looks to his right and sees a giant guy come in. The giant guy pulls out his cock and it’s fucking huge. The giant guy goes over to a urinal, swings his dick like a bat and smashes the urinal in two. He then goes over to a sink, swings his disk and smashes the sink in two, he then goes over to the toilets doors and smashes his cock off the door smashing it in half. He says to the guy, “I’m gonna fuck you up the ass!!!”

    Butthead goes: “Phew! For a minute I thought you were going to hit me with it.”

  5. I follow Grenell on Instagram. His next door neighbor is Suzanne Summers. So I started following her too. She’s well preserved. She was really good at playing the Dumb Blonde on Threes Company, but quite to the contrary. She’s big time MAGA. So’s Ric. A Patriot. You know what you don’t see on Grenell’s page. Him in a lip lock with some dude. He’s spoken out against gay couples adopting kids. He knows where the line is. He did a hell of a job for Trump and the guys wicked smart. I for one would like to see him in the new Trump admin again.
    Dudes always got pics of him surrounded by hot freaking women at black tie events. Some guy posted on one of those about a year ago, “If your gay, you’re nuts”. He posted back “LOL”. Pretty damn funny all things considered.

  6. Brad….and that’s why he is described as being openly gay and is proud to announce he’s gay at the drop of the bar of soap…..So, I guess he’s a bigger draw being an openly gay conservative and he used it to further his career. Just just STFU about being a faggot. Get back into the closet and earn the job through your merits…..

  7. Brad…He always goes gay when he’s on Guttfeld…..never fails to mention it as I’m sure he does in a job interview. Faggots can’t help it….He’s just more judicious in proclaiming it.The gay and proud shit needs to be ignored…..

  8. “Who wants to be given a job simply because they’re gay?” asked the openly gay Grenell, who served as acting Director of National Intelligence. “I can’t think of anything that’s more offensive.”

    Blacks don’t have a problem with it, why should someone who is gay have a problem with it? I worked at a major company who hired a black gay man. After 1 year of keeping a diary, he claimed he was being discriminated against. This man had a history of suing companies for false accusations, and got away with it. He knew that the company would pay him to go away instead of dragging it out in court and putting the company name out there. IMHO the two worse employees are the ones I named. Black and gay is a big paycheck going out the door.


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