Canada’s Affirmative Action Jail Sentencing – IOTW Report

Canada’s Affirmative Action Jail Sentencing

Karlstack: On December 31, 2020, a 17-year old man in Calgary was pulled over for a routine traffic violation by 37-year old police officer Sgt. Andrew Harnett.

After being stopped for ~45 minutes, the man fled the traffic stop with Harnett attached to the vehicle, dragging Harnett into oncoming traffic, where he was hit by a car and died. The fleeing man left Harnett’s corpse on the cold pavement, went home, slept, and then turned himself in to police the next day.

Sgt. Harnett left behind a pregnant wife whose child will now grow up fatherless because some entitled prick refused to get a traffic ticket.

That driver who refused to get a ticket has brown skin — he’s middle-eastern. Needless to say, that shouldn’t matter one iota, but sadly Canada’s “justice” system is heavily based on skin color. The killer knew this, and milked it for all it’s worth. MORE

12 Comments on Canada’s Affirmative Action Jail Sentencing

  1. Is Jacinda Ardern’s sudden resignation a preview of coming attractions for Trudeau?
    ht tps://

    At the exact time that Trudeau is being blamed for bail reforms that prompted a nationwide crisis in “catch and release” justice, Ardern oversaw a spike in violent crime, much of it coming from juvenile offenders. And New Zealand’s overall cost of living is undergoing a sharp uptick roughly in league with Canada.

  2. Because I owned Canadian land since 1970, I applied for citizenship after 911 as a backup, but was ignored because they were too busy engorging and populating their country with foreigners at that time.

    I later sold the land (41 acres to a close Canadian friend – around Timmons, ONT) several years back, and then permanently closed my Canadian bank account (since 1997) when Trudeau threatened freezing accounts during the trucker COVID-19 protest.


  3. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if “something happens” to this perp, somewhere, sometime, in a lonely place, in the dark of the night.
    And no “Fs” will be given when it does.

  4. JDHasty: Ardern was facing an election in a few months. Fidel Jr. isn’t facing an election for another couple of years unless the NDP has a revolt (which is unlikely).

    Fidel doesn’t care. He doesn’t have to.


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