Governor DeWine Granted Request From Norfolk Southern to Release Deadly Chemicals – IOTW Report

Governor DeWine Granted Request From Norfolk Southern to Release Deadly Chemicals

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said Monday that Norfolk Southern requested and was granted the controlled release of chemicals, including deadly viny chloride, following the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

National File: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine provided more insight Monday evening into how the controlled release of chemicals came to be following the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. DeWine told the press Monday evening: “We looked at the danger of a controlled release which is what the railroad company felt should be done. We then went ahead with the second option, which was the controlled release.” 

The railroad company DeWine is referring to is Norfolk Southern. Norfolk Southern’s website lists Blackrock and Vanguard as top shareholders. Interestingly Blackrock and Vanguard’s financial beneficiaries include George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party. MORE

15 Comments on Governor DeWine Granted Request From Norfolk Southern to Release Deadly Chemicals

  1. The foam used to smother chemical spills and chemical fires is now considered a forever chemical so it doesn’t get used.
    Thank the climate cult for making people’s lives less meaningful than a train track.

  2. DeWine reminds me of someone or something, I can’t quite place it. Maybe a cartoon character, maybe a cartoon dog. I can picture the dog but I can’t think of the cartoon.

  3. joe6pak
    FEBRUARY 17, 2023 AT 12:13 PM
    “DeWine reminds me of someone or something, I can’t quite place it.”

    satan. He reminds ME of satan.

    Just like every other democrat that’s been serving the devil his whole life.

    And yes, he’s a Democrat. Regardless of the “r” the GOP-E let him use.

  4. …and as disgusting as this troll is, there may have been NO good answers.

    You could wait till it BLEVEd, I suppose. Is an UNcontrolled release better?

    …and again, here’s the pertinent part of the MSDS.


    Fire Hazard: Severe fire hazard. Vapor/air mixtures are explosive. Vapors or gases may ignite at distant sources and
    flash back. Containers may rupture or explode if exposed to heat.
    Extinguishing Media: Stop flow of gas before extinguishing fire. Use carbon dioxide, regular dry chemical, foam or
    water. Use water spray to keep containers cool.
    Fire Fighting: Move container from fire area if it can be done without risk. For fires in cargo or storage area: Cool
    containers with water from unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles until well after fire is out. If this can’t be done,
    then take the following precautions: Keep unnecessary people away, isolate hazard area and deny entry. Let the fire
    burn. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or any discoloration of tanks due to fire.
    For tank, rail car or tank truck: Stop leak if possible without personal risk. Let burn unless leak can be stopped
    immediately. Wear NIOSH approved positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure
    demand mode.”
    ht tps:// › privatePDF


    “Let the fire
    burn. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or any discoloration of tanks due to fire.”


    “For tank, rail car or tank truck: Stop leak if possible without personal risk. Let burn unless leak can be stopped

    …putting the fire out doesn’t stop the catastrophe, it just changes what it contaminates. And putting out giant tank fires isn’t that damn easy anyway, even if you CAN, and here’s the OEM saying you SHOULDN’T.

    And a super hot fire will waft some aqueous foams away anyway. The idea with foaming is that it excludes air to prevent rekindle, but it ONLY works if the surface isn’t broken. Probably not gonna happen on a giant pile of jagged train wreckage leaking heated, volitile chemicals squirting out under pressure.

    The right answer was to stop the train on the hot box detection. Everything that happened AFTER it derailed was to try to make the best of really bad choices.

    There was NO scenario in which there WASN’T large scale contamination of both air and water.

    The only choice was which one it was WORSE to contaminate MORE.

    And we will be debating that for years.

  5. SNS, Thank you for your expertise on this.

    I do believe that there was NO GOOD OR RIGHT ANSWER.

    We all love the black and white answers to our problems, but sometimes the answer is in shades of gray. And it will never be clear if the best answer ends up being light gray or dark gray.

  6. Graceia
    FEBRUARY 17, 2023 AT 1:14 PM

    “I do believe that there was NO GOOD OR RIGHT ANSWER.”

    …and thank YOU for being the first person I’ve seen actually ACKNOWLEDGE this reality.

    …everyone expects Captain Kirk to swoop in during the third act and apply the perfect solution that Spock came up with for him, then make a funny quip as the heroic music comes up.

    That ain’t how real life works.

  7. If the rumor is true that everyone in that Ohio ZipCode is receiving a $1,000 check from NorfolkSatan railroad…

    Look carefully at the reverse side of the check. If your signature releases them from “liability and any future payments,” put down your pen and slowly back away from the desk.

    It’s a common practice used to scam hurricane victims.

  8. @SNS
    Let it burn or controlled release.
    Kinda like voting in an election for the lesser of two evils, no matter the choice, it’s still evil.
    In this case the community, air, water and land remain contaminated for the future regardless of the choice.


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