Measure to enshrine abortion in Virginia Constitution defeated – IOTW Report

Measure to enshrine abortion in Virginia Constitution defeated

JTN– Efforts by Virginia Democrats to advance a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow voters to decide whether to place reproductive health protections in the state constitution, stalled in a House committee Friday when the bill was defeated by a Republican-majority panel.

The proposed Senate constitutional amendment aimed to add a section to the Virginia Constitution, stating every individual has the “fundamental right to reproductive freedom.” If the amendment was approved by the General Assembly, it would have ultimately gone before voters to decide whether to enshrine protections for reproductive health care and abortions. MORE

4 Comments on Measure to enshrine abortion in Virginia Constitution defeated

  1. “…reproductive health protections…” now there is a bullsh!t term.. These satanists/marxists/nihilists sure do mess with the language!

  2. Yeah, there’s nothing reproductive about abortion.
    It’s the antithesis of reproduction.

    Control the language; control the narrative.
    Nihilistic Totalitarians never say what they mean or mean what they say – their narrative is couched in bullshit, lies, and dissimulations – to confuse the confused and the easily confusable.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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