Writing code to flip votes ‘very easy to do’ but ‘hard to stop,’ programmer warns Arizona Senate – IOTW Report

Writing code to flip votes ‘very easy to do’ but ‘hard to stop,’ programmer warns Arizona Senate

JTN: A computer programmer testified this week to an Arizona Senate committee that voting machines are susceptible to manipulation as the panel seeks to require that voting machine components are made in the U.S. and that the source code for the machines used in the state is available to government officials.

Attorney and computer programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis told the Arizona Senate Election Committee Monday that there are multiple ways voting machines can be hacked to change election results.

Curtis, a Democrat, began his presentation with a video clip of him testifying before Congress following the 2004 presidential election about how he believed that the election in Ohio was hacked. MORE HERE

9 Comments on Writing code to flip votes ‘very easy to do’ but ‘hard to stop,’ programmer warns Arizona Senate

  1. Numbers lie with a straight face words can never have…a computer has no concept of lying and so can never be caught in a lie, it simply does what it’s programmed to do, no more and no less.

    I’ve programmed industrial PLCS, SCADA systems, and HMIs and GUIs for almost 30 years and I can tell you first hand that people have such a technology bias that I can put literally ANYTHING on a screen and they will believe it.

    And in this multinational company there might be a dozen people that can understand anything I code, and of THAT number none that aren’t too busy with their OWN code to check MINE, or would care enough to even bother.

    Now translate that to a worldwide voting system.

    I can make virtual buttons that say one thing and do another. I can make buttons light up and tell you something happened when it didn’t. I can link a button to insert your name in a log entry that says you’re an asshole and you wouldn’t even know it. Some things might be conspicuous on what I do with industrial machines with real-world outputs, but flipping an internal vote and not even giving you a receipt?

    Absolute simplicity itself.

    And you’ll never know or even be able to check, especially if I say you can’t check my audit trail or create a false audit trail or NO audit trail. If I can make a machine lie, what makes you think I can’t ALSO make it lie ABOUT the lie?

    …I don’t do those things, but I easily could, as can ANY programmer with access to source code. People are ABSOLUTELY insane to trust ANY computer to decide their LIVES for them, because behind the code is a human programmer, and human programmers can program in their own biases and their own agenda and 99% of people would never know even WITH the source code given to them.

    And 97% of the people will stupidly believe “computers can’t lie”.

    “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

    …I read that book many, many years ago.

    I had no idea at the time I would live to see it come true.

    But here we are.

  2. I submit that voting machines are inferior to hand counts, therefore the ONLY reasons to have machines add them up is cheating, and possibly lack of basic math skills.
    apparently few leftists watched The Count on sesame st.

  3. Look every Congressman knows for a fact the 2020 election was stolen and the 2022 midterms were fine tuned to get the results they wanted-see Joe Kent and Kari Lake among others-they almost got Boebert-that’s EVERY one.

    Just like almost EVERY one of these cocksuckers is sitting on their hands while J6 protesters rot in jails contrary to centuries of established law.

    We don’t have representation and will never get it through voting. They like it the way it has metastasized into this cancerous, slimy glob destroying our country with fake science and communism.

    If you’ve never read Unintended Consequences, you should.

    Some one has to go first. I know there’s bunch of Henry Bowmans out there.

  4. opps forgot to omit the . c o m

    Look every Congressman knows for a fact the 2020 election was stolen and the 2022 midterms were fine tuned to get the results they wanted-see Joe Kent and Kari Lake among others-they almost got Boebert-that’s EVERY one.

    Just like almost EVERY one of these cocksuckers is sitting on their hands while J6 protesters rot in jails contrary to centuries of established law.

    We don’t have representation and will never get it through voting. They like it the way it has metastasized into this cancerous, slimy glob destroying our country with fake science and communism.

    If you’ve never read Unintended Consequences, you should.
    https://billstclair(you know what)/Unintended-Consequences.pdf

    Some one has to go first. I know there’s bunch of Henry Bowmans out there.

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