Canada: Turdeau comes after your coffee – IOTW Report

Canada: Turdeau comes after your coffee

Even if you drink it black.

BPR: Canada is really, really concerned about what its citizens are drinking.

After the nation’s Centre on Substance Use and Addiction urged Canadians in January to give up alcohol or, at the very least limit it to no more than two standard-size drinks per week to “avoid alcohol-related consequences for yourself or others,” America’s oppressively progressive neighbor to the north is going after coffee drinkers.

New research from the University of Toronto cites data gathered as part of a “7.5-year follow-up of 1,180 untreated participants with stage 1 hypertension” and concludes that “heavy coffee intake is associated with increases in the risk of kidney dysfunction among slow metabolizers of caffeine, who genetically comprise approximately half of the population.”

“Slow metabolizers are less able to get rid of caffeine efficiently from the body, so, it’s more likely to have adverse effects in the people who can’t get rid of it,” Ahmed El-Sohemy, a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto’s Temerty Faculty of Medicine, told the Toronto Star.

“We made a discovery back in 2006 with a case control study, where we showed that coffee increases the risk of a heart attack, but only in those who have a particular version of a gene that makes them effectively slow metabolizers of caffeine,” he explained. MORE

11 Comments on Canada: Turdeau comes after your coffee

  1. Coming soon to USA. At what point will it be tooo much ? for real folks, it already is, I get that. But every time I go past “Fast food World” and see the 100’s of idling cars lined up, I despair. Try telling all of THEM that gmo potatoes fried in rapeseed oil is poison….yeah. And us normal folk are supposed to believe coffee is bad?

  2. Meanwhile, they have for all intents and purposes legalized hard drugs in BC because telling people they have a drug problem hurts their self esteem.

    I wish I were kidding.

  3. yep the very same Justin Trudeau who sported blakface paint to mock and ridicule those who aren’t of the JoeBiden-Very-White Privilege White-Trash set as much as he is.

  4. Reach for my coffee, you’re liable to lose fingers and your hand at your wrist.
    All those jokes about being non-functional and downright grouchy in the morning before caffeine?
    They ain’t jokes.
    Now F**k off, hoser.

  5. One French moron from University of Quebec claimed in his studies, that making coffee contributes to Global Warming. You can check the NY Post for that gem.
    But, they are the biggest racists in that country, taking the joy out of life like the selfish, money driven BLM.


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