CNN insiders say Don Lemon has ‘no defenders’ at the network, not worth the headache to keep on-air – IOTW Report

CNN insiders say Don Lemon has ‘no defenders’ at the network, not worth the headache to keep on-air


The turbulence Don Lemon has faced in recent days is unlike anything he has ever faced in his 17 years at CNN.

Lemon has been under fire across the spectrum and even been the subject of mockery by the Biden White House after he declared Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley past her “prime” due to her age. 

But despite the internal fire, his job remains safe for the time being. CNN boss Chris Licht told staff late Monday night that he will return to “CNN This Morning” on Wednesday and undergo “formal training.”

“I sat down with Don and had a frank and meaningful conversation. He has agreed to participate in formal training, as well as continuing to listen and learn. We take this situation very seriously,” Licht said in the memo first obtained by Fox News Digital. “It is important to me that CNN balances accountability with fostering a culture in which people can own, learn and grow from their mistakes. To that end, Don will return to CNN This Morning on Wednesday.”

While Licht is willing to give Lemon another chance, many of his colleagues aren’t.  more here

17 Comments on CNN insiders say Don Lemon has ‘no defenders’ at the network, not worth the headache to keep on-air

  1. Don Lemon? Who dat?
    CNN? What dat?

    Nobody with two brain cells to rub together watches that network.

    Sorry for being mr cranky tonight. I don’t care about trannies & CNN homos.

    They have no place in my life. Let them frolic amongst themselves. I just don’t care.

  2. Queue Robert Johnson

    Now you can squeeze my lemon till the juice run down my
    (Till the juice run down my leg, baby, you know what I’m talkin’ ’bout)
    You can squeeze my lemon till the juice run down my leg
    (That’s what I’m talkin’ about now)
    But I’m goin’ back to Friar’s Point, if I be rockin’ to my head

  3. Lemon’s ego has gotten the better of him. He lost his primetime gig and is relegated to share the spotlight with a couple of morning show yahoos. It’s just more drama than the old queen can take.

  4. 17 years at CNN and all he’s got iz a few check boxes to hang on to, namely:

    Morals, scruples, standards, honesty and priciples were never on a list with his name on it!! Of course CNN never, ever required them either…

    Rotsa Ruck Asshole!!

  5. He is beginning to feel that people really don’t like him. He’s been in this bubble of everyone around him clapping for him like trained seals making him think he’s really “all that”. Now, he sees, and his fragile ego is shattering.

    I’ll pray for you, but for now …

    Well, bye.

  6. Black and queer will help keep your job no matter how much you hate whitey, the truth and America. People don’t change. Eventually, he’ll piss the wrong person off at CNN and he’ll have a settlement handed to him.


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