Salty Cracker Reports That Jury Foreman Trying To Indict Trump Tweaks Like a Meth Head on CNN – IOTW Report

Salty Cracker Reports That Jury Foreman Trying To Indict Trump Tweaks Like a Meth Head on CNN

h/t JDHasty

13 Comments on Salty Cracker Reports That Jury Foreman Trying To Indict Trump Tweaks Like a Meth Head on CNN

  1. Word on the skreet is not only did the “special” grand jury recommend indictment of Trump but they called him “Poopy-head” and rubbed the indictment on their butts and gave it the finger when the Bailiff took the envelope out of the jury room.

  2. Reminds me of when the Nazis started running outta resources at the end of the war, they resorted to using kids too!
    Man! The snout on that poor thing makes me wonder if she eats ants for breakfast!!

  3. You guys can laugh and criticize all you want but they really got Trump this time. Really, and I’m not kidding they got him for sure. He’s done. He is toast. It was a good run while it lasted but this is it. DONE! PERIOD!!


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