Apple shareholder moves to boot Al Gore from board of directors – IOTW Report

Apple shareholder moves to boot Al Gore from board of directors

FOX- An activist shareholder is seeking to have climate change activist Al Gore removed from his long-standing position on Apple Inc.’s board of directors.

Corporate ethics watchdog National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) filed an exempt solicitation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Wednesday that urged fellow Apple shareholders to vote against Gore as a director nominee at the tech giant’s annual meeting, which is slated for March 10, arguing that the former U.S. vice president is not qualified for the role and that “his political activism poses to Apple a reputational risk that is not worth his limited skill set.” more

9 Comments on Apple shareholder moves to boot Al Gore from board of directors

  1. He was also the inspiration for the movie ‘Love Story’, a period unironic romance with a bitter aftertaste probably due to the carbon used in making it. But of course Algore is best known for abusing service people worldwide. In other words, a typical leftist of the American stripe.


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