Zelensky slams Americans who don’t want to give more to Ukraine – IOTW Report

Zelensky slams Americans who don’t want to give more to Ukraine

“If they do not support Ukraine, they will lose NATO, they will lose the clout of the United States, they will lose the leadership position that they enjoy in the world.”

PM: The Biden administration just promised another $10 billion in economic aid to Ukraine, bringing the to-date sum up around $200 billion, with more likely to roll out in the coming months. But for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenksy, that’s just not enough, and he has harsh words for Americans who’d like to keep their tax dollars here at home as opposed to using them to line Ukraine’s war chest.

“https://thepostmillennial.com/poll-only-26-of-americans-want-us-heavily-involved-in-ukraine-warhttps://thepostmillennial.com/poll-only-26-of-americans-want-us-heavily-involved-in-ukraine-war” a reporter asked Zelensky, “are suggesting that a growing number of Americans believe that the US is giving too much support to Ukraine. What would your message be to those Americans on that anniversary?” MORE

46 Comments on Zelensky slams Americans who don’t want to give more to Ukraine

  1. Tucker took that asshole to the woodshed on his show last night.
    Eviscerated the punk-assed Zelensky & his cunt wife.
    I don’t know a single other person on our side that has the balls to counter the bullshit Ukraine narrative.
    Stay safe Tucker!
    Seriously. Stay safe.

  2. “they will lose the clout of the United States”
    your buddy biteme already did that

    and while we’re at it Kyle Becker has a question for zelensky
    “Where is the war footage? Where are the Pulitzer Prize winning photos? This smacks of a scam and the American people are fed up.”

  3. Rootin for Putin. He doesn’t want to play the globalists games.

    “Are Americans’ children any different from ours?”
    Yes, American children have to go hungry, so you can have more free shit.
    BS FJB

  4. If I could drill down to one singular malady that has weakened our cohesion as a nation, turning our new generation of adults into disaffected angry entitled wimps, it is ingratitude. The ingratitude of our standard of living, our bounty, our civil rights, the opportunities present to command agency in one’s future and standing, and the inherent goodness of a free people welcoming those downtrodden from around the world to partake of our good fortune, ignoring these freedoms has caused great harm and bitterness.

    Zelensky is an ingrate, who cares nothing for the vitality of our country and would like nothing better than to start World War 3. But he is not the problem, it is the neocons working hand in hand with the Industrial Military Complex to foment conflict around the world.

  5. I’ve apparently donated to Uraine’s war chest and I did’t even get a T-shirt or a travel mug…nothing…..I think Mrs Zelenski should go on a ‘motor boating’ tour in the USA. Twenty seconds for every man, woman and child for every $5 dollars that the Ukraine received….seems fair….

  6. Nope we only support our commie pinko comrades & Donny’s bestest bud, Putin. We further support Putin’s bombing of all Ukrainian public buildings & structures, apts, hospitals, schools & of course their homes.

  7. The degenerate comedian who got naked and played piano on the tee vee with his little clipped prick reminds me in one salient manner, of our own dear leader *resident in chief. P u p p e t spells puppet and a puppet by any name at all is a puppet. Punch, beat, pardon me, meet Judy, now beat Judy with the stick I gave you. Beat her some more. More. Ok, now it’s Judy’s turn, have at it Judy, really whack that SOB, let’s put on a good show for the folks in the audience. Is anyone watching what the dragon is doing?

    Contempt before investigation is a human characteristic. This is contempt subsequent to investigation and it really is through and through contempt from where I sit. The people running Biden and Zelensky need to be taken out en masse and executed publicly using 50BMG through an automatic weapon.

  8. As if Pence could not beclown himself more, The Hill has an article on Pence giving a speech where he is trying to separate himself from RDS, stating that we must send everything we have to Ukraine because Putin will not stop at Ukraine but will then wage war on the adjacent NATO countries;

    ht tps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pence-breaks-with-desantis-over-ukraine-position-putin-will-not-stop-at-ukraine/ar-AA17Utpc?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=885ce241cd104701acca7a9bd8d181e7&ei=14

    I know the title can shift on a dime but right now Pence wins the award for the least self-aware person in the country.

  9. US taxpayer want to know why the political class is all in with ukraine – aka the money laundering, human trafficking capital of the world

    why do crazy nancy, lurch, mittens, and biteme’s kids all sit on boards for energy companies with no experience in that field (they don’t seem to check off any diversity boxes for employment)

    why are 46 US biolabs in ukraine

    why are US taxpayers paying pensions for the ukraine political class

  10. “why are US taxpayers paying pensions for the ukraine political class”

    The same reason Sam Bankman Fried was giving money to the American political class. It’s called buying protection. It isn’t US taxpayers giving, it is US politicians stealing from US Taxpayers and using the stolen money to buy protection for themselves and their friends (campaign contributors), family and longtime business associates (partners in crime).

  11. thank you JDHasty for breaking down & explaining how the “payments” are generated and used
    there are still a lot people that don’t understand the how the political laundrymat works

    Just Axing, 10%
    i thought that was common knowledge

  12. uscomrades, anonymous, and donna the dude

    you’re all uninspiring and boring

    calling people names like commie pinko comrades, putin lovers, and cult people who question what’s happening in this world doesn’t make you sound intelligent or informed, then you align yourselves with the pedofiles and perverts, you only appeal to the blue haired, fat ass weirdos

  13. Dear Z,

  14. The DNC owe Ukraine everything to keep it silent about
    the money laundering the corrupt DNC has depended on
    them for decades ( at least as far back as the 90’s )

    The USA citizenship owe Ukraine nothing.

    Of course the USA citizenship owe the Teamsters Union nothing
    regardless that Biden just bailed out their corrupt
    pension fund to the tune of 36 BILLION DOLLARS.

  15. I’ve tried to see through the murk of the Russian-Ukraine war and our support for The Ukraine. One possibility is that we are sending so much aid to The Ukraine because it gives us an excuse not to help Taiwan when the SHTF.

    Sniffer Joe: Uh, sorry Taiwan, we sent all our military support to Ukraine, and the cupboard is bare. Good Bye and Good Luck!

    BTW, I think calling it The Ukraine should be acceptable, despite what the ignorant media says. We call America The United States, Holland The Netherlands, Britain the UK, and the square mile at the center of the RCC The Vatican. If people object to calling it The Ukraine, tell them to F-off.

  16. “The” majority of Americans want nothing to do with the pint size Nazi extortionist. Sellensky has put a price tag on Ukraine. He could care less what happens to his country.
    This Ukrainian grift is just a sample of a long list of illegal schemes our traitorous government have perpetrated, since the unelected Xiden Regime took over.

  17. Watched 3 Stooges “You Nazty Spy,” in which the country of Moronica’s arms manufacturers decide that peacetime isn’t profitable enough. So they install Moe and the boys as Dictators, so they can be their puppets and stir up a war. PROPHECY?


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