Biden Admin Proposes to Block Half of Current Gas Range Models – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Proposes to Block Half of Current Gas Range Models

Epoch Times: A new regulation proposed by the Department of Energy (DOE) would block half of current gas stove models from the market, an analysis by the federal agency shows.

In a proposed regulation published at the beginning of February, DOE set a maximum annual gas consumption of 1,204 thousand British thermal units (kBtu), also known as the EL 2 standard, for all gas cooking tops.

If the new regulation is finalized, only half of gas cooking tops will be able to meet the new standard, i.e., half of the products currently on the market will be blocked.

“DOE estimates that nearly half of the total gas cooking top market currently achieves EL 2 and therefore would not be impacted by the proposed standard, if finalized,” DOE said in an updated analysis (pdf).

DOE issued the updated analysis mainly because it excluded certain types of gas cooking tops in the previous analysis that was published on Feb. 1 (pdf).

Only 4 percent of the gas cooking tops in 2027 could meet the EL 2 standard if the new standard was not implemented, according to DOE’s projection in the previous analysis.

The governmental agency includes gas cooking tops with high input rate (HIR) burners in the new analysis. MORE

25 Comments on Biden Admin Proposes to Block Half of Current Gas Range Models

  1. Block half….and then a few years down the road ban the other half. They do NOT want anyone to have ANY means of taking care of themselves. They want ALL Of us dependent on THEM for everything….which THEY can then turn off whenever the hell they please.

  2. Speaking from personal experience (I had none in this particular arena prior to our move to TX) I fucking hated cooking on a gas stovetop and was more than happy to replace it with an electric, ceramic one. However, that DOES NOT mean I want them dissapeared. There must be many people who prefer them to electric (not sure why though) so let them be. Free choice, it’s a thing.

  3. Several weeks ago someone uncovered communique between the WEF and the Brain Dead Administration to curtail the use of gas cook tops. Why? This is fat old European POS’s telling yo how you’re going to live. Eventually they’ll cut off all natural gas, which a year ago was considered clean energy. This is an outright attack on us peasants.

  4. The major users of gas in a home are: stoves and ovens, furnaces, water heaters/boilers, clothes dryers, fireplaces/barbecues, some central air conditioners.

    In my market area, while it remained a closed market as regards natural gas, natural gas was cheap and readily available, as this area is a major source for natural gas. Back in the late 70s, the first gas pipeline was built to connect to Southern California, and its port facilities, which exposed us to global pricing. The natural gas company split into supplier and distributor/retailer to avoid pricing regulation by the Public Service Commission. Since then, larger capacity pipelines have been installed and the distributor/retail company has been bought and sold a couple of times to out of area owners. Despite all that, it is still cheaper to use natural gas than electricity under most circumstances, and electricity is still relatively cheap here.

    I prefer electricity for cooking. My brother prefers gas. To each their own.

    The Deep State, infested by envirofascists, determined, under Obama, that we would abandon carbon-based (and nuclear and hydro and geothermal) energy. They know it is not politically feasible and that we plebes would never willingly accept it, so they use rules and regulations to bypass Congress and legislatures to throttle our access to carbon fuels and things that use carbon fuels.

    Ecuador, under Correa’s regime, borrowed billions from the Chinese to build hydropower units, which were to allow the country to go carbon free. He set about to replace millions of existing propane stoves with cheap-crap Chinese induction stoves. (It was done partially to get out from the propane subsidy trap that populist administrations in the late 60s started, which was bankrupting the country — on top of the graft and corruption and having to pay off the Chinese for their grossly overpriced, cheap-crap projects and products with high interest Chinese loans).

    Well, the new stoves were overpriced crap and the people refused to buy them. A lot were given away to the poor, but the poor like to eat hot meals and the power was unreliable and the new units broke because they were crap, so though they had turned in their propane stoves to get the free new electric units, they found ways to acquire propane stoves so they could still cook.

    A casualty of the scheme was an Ecuadorian gas appliance manufacturer that had strong sales throughout the region. They were banned from manufacturing gas appliances and forced to use overpriced cheap-crap Chinese induction cores, so they lost their market share.

    By the way, those Chinese financed, engineered and constructed hydropower projects are cheap crap. If they work at all, it is at significantly reduced capacity. China also signed long term contracts with Correa’s government that locks in heavily reduced prices on gas and petroleum. It was all good for Correa and his cronies, as they all got sizable kickbacks out of the deal.

    The Green New Deal/Great Reset is just a massive money transfer from us to China. They supply the majority of wind and solar equipment, as well as batteries and grid material and equipment, and they are setting up to be the primary importer of the world’s fossil fuels, at discount rates, for the next 100 years.

  5. Most of my neighbors have electric stoves.
    I offer them the use of my gas stove during power outages.
    Also picked up several of the insulated coffee carafes which I fill from my old percolator and take to them.
    It lifts their spirits and makes for better neighbors.
    Couldn’t do that with electric without generator.

  6. An AT article from 2011 has the explanation. The title is; The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity. Much if not all of what the left wants and is doing is due to their fear of us running out of [insert whatever]. That’s why population reduction is so imperative to them. They wrap it up in saving the planet rhetoric but the goal is saving their own sorry asses.

    If the link below doesn’t show up, do a search for the title of the article I related above. Oh, and don’t use that search provider that starts with a G. Those bastards are complicit in everything we’re against.


  7. So they blocked the high-output ones. The ones that restaurants and churches use. Maximum BTUs is a stupid gauge – it has nothing to do with efficiency. That’s like blocking sale of buses because they get lousy mileage, even though they can carry dozens.

  8. Just like the1.4 gallon toilets (that need to be flushed twice) and the low-flow faucets and shower heads (that you can field modify to actually flow). Somehow the Nancy Pelosis of the world will find a way to exempt themselves so they can have their 6 burner, commercial-grade gas cooktops.

    BTW, notice how quickly this went from a leaked discussion to actual promulgation of regulations.

  9. “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

  10. Same people who banned incandescent bulbs in favor of compact fluorescents, and now they also want to ban those in favor of LEDs, which the market created because CF bulbs are poisonous and suck. The government is not just distorting the market, it is hell-bent on destroying the market.

    And if you think your electric stove is safe from meddling, just wait a year or two. The goal is to have no home cooking, only reheating of of pre-cooked, bug-based product in your dormpartmenticle’s microwave.

  11. Lets just go ahead and put all of our energy needs (lighting, heating, cooking and transportation) on one platform… and then shut down all those “dirty” generation plants!!
    Makes good “logic” uh???

  12. “There must be many people who prefer them to electric (not sure why though) so let them be.”

    I can give you my reasons.

    If my power goes out I can still cook and have supplemental heat – along with the old gas in-wall heater in the bathroom.

    My gas water heater ensures I have hot water the whole time too. I can take nice warm showers and eat hot meals while the power is out.

    Things that can’t be done with an all electric home. I will always want gas service and a gas stove for these reasons.

    Also, cooking with gas is cheaper if you cook a lot.

    It makes no sense to me to put all my trust in electricity. It’s not reliable or cheap.

  13. This shit has stop. No presidential EO should be able to stop a nation’s pipeline and no regulation pushed by unelected bureaucrats should have the power to remove from the market scores of safe products. Where the hell is congress?

  14. Last month I just bought a 5 Burner Gas Range for my parents basement kitchen to replace the 30 year old one.
    Oddly enough, I’m heading over soon to slowly oven bake a few racks of ribs for my Dad who just had his Knee Replaced Tuesday. (5 year Canadian WAIT, Eh.)
    The natural gas burners add humidity to the heat and I can get reasonably close to outside BBQ flavour on a Below Zero February Day.
    The other benefit is that it helps keep the basement nice and warm.

    I’m looking forward to working with the new GAS stove today.


  15. The left would rather have us cooking our food over animal dung like they do ina lot of the turd world shit hole countries like India and China, Africa etc. And like the native Indigenous American Indians cooked over buffalo dung in their teepees.

  16. Consent of the governed, huh? Congress no longer does their job & should be fired.

    The federal bureaucracy is completely out of control. Sorry people, if we don’t act now, it’s over.

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