El Salvador: President tosses 2000 MS-13 and other gang members into his new gigantic state-of-the-art prison – IOTW Report

El Salvador: President tosses 2000 MS-13 and other gang members into his new gigantic state-of-the-art prison


The popular young President of El Salvador has earned himself a reputation for being a fighter and a man of the people with a nationalist vision for his country’s future.

So, it’s no surprise that President Nayib Bukele is cracking down with an iron fist on gang violence that’s plagued his country.

After issuing a “state of emergency,” Bukele has rounded up about 2000 gang members; many from the infamous “MS-13” gang, and he’s locking them up in his new state-of-the-art prison mega-complex called “The Center of Confinement of Terrorism.”

Here’s what Bukele said about the crackdown in a tweet which included a video of the roundup and footage of the new mega-complex: “Today at dawn, in a single operation, we transferred the first 2,000 gang members to the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT). This will be their new house, where they will live for decades, mixed up, unable to do any more harm to the population. We continue…”. MORE

12 Comments on El Salvador: President tosses 2000 MS-13 and other gang members into his new gigantic state-of-the-art prison

  1. i want to see katie hobbs & the rest of the political, judicial, administrative, & law enforcement agency gang members who took the TAX FREE, UNTRACEABLE (until now) dirty money running in shackles to catch the prison bus to their new home

  2. Thas some tough love going down in ES… One of my best friends immigrated from El Salvador and was officially Americanized December before last. Got his diploma and everything. Acted like it was his proudest moment. Now he sees things changing both here in the States and back home and wonders if he didn’t screw the pooch (as it were).


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