“THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING TO THE PEOPLE” in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Michigan – IOTW Report

“THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING TO THE PEOPLE” in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Michigan

WATCH: Norfolk Southerns train derailment on February 3, 2023 is STILL being cleaned up and sorted out over THREE WEEKS later and there are STILL NO DEFINITIVE ANSWERS on what caused the accident or if the area is even SAFE to live in now. Add in to the equation BlackRock (and Vanguard) may have a hand in the dealings of the clean up and this whole situation takes on new meaning.

The chemicals being moved around our country from Ohio to Texas to Michigan to Pennsylvania make this feel like a game of chess but WE THE PEOPLE have no players on the board. The EPA, CDC, local government and The President are dropping the ball in helping the American People.

h/t Telegram.

27 Comments on “THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING TO THE PEOPLE” in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Michigan

  1. Blatant abuse of our citizens by the US Govt. It does not appear that they are too worried about getting smoked in the next election. I guess the cheat is perfected or they will just suspend the elections, and then label all that rise up to protest “domestic terrorists” and attempt to “re-educate” us. Sorry shit-eating sons of a bitches!
    You guys got the nuts to do what we will have to do at that point?

  2. She is right. The plan could be to appropriate this remote area of Ohio as an approved zone for Haz-Mat treatment and storage of such material. Since it is already contaminated, scoop up homes, farms and businesses at fire-sale prices and move everyone out.

    BIG payoffs for corrupt governments and officials and a win for big business, all with tax dollars

  3. What makes this chemical more dangerous than all the other stuff that goes through towns and cities every day? Methyl isocyanate, the stuff that caused thousands of deaths in India, is shipped into the port of Savanah on a regular basis. It’s then trucked to a Union Carbide facility in West Virginia. The facility in Texas is designed to dispose of hazardous waste, and I doubt vinyl chloride is the worst they have dealt with.

  4. I mentioned a few days ago that Mich governor Witmer is trying to gift (bribe) Norfolk Southern with 15 million taxpayers dollars to encourage more business with Michigan. I’ll bet she knew it was coming to Michigan.

  5. the taxpayers are just collateral damage to the political class

    creating disasters so the surrounding prime land can be acquired cheaply
    34 of the 37 antifa/blm riot locations had federal reserve offices creating “opportunity zones” for acquiring prime property


  6. Government isn’t here to help people, government is here to keep people in line while we pay for the privilege. Chess and we have no players on the board? Stealing the presidential election and awarding the office to a senile corruptopuppet because the people elected the ‘wrong guy’ didn’t get that set in your mind? Were you sentient in 2020? Or 2022? Did it take injury to yourself personally to work this out? Are you stupid or just rock dumb? What, exactly, is causing your failure to function? Sharpen the hell up!

  7. Different Tim,

    I feel bad for you so close to Detroit. Don’t know where the toxic soil was going to, but I agree with you – Whitmer knew. AND I bet, knowing the evil swine she is, that she told them to bring it here. She has some Michiganders who she’d like to get rid of.

    I’m near enough to Detroit, but on the other side of the state. Still, don’t trust the Gritch Witch to move it to all the red cities/counties. My county will be first since we are super RED.

  8. I sure am glad they aren’t shipping it to California, we don’t have anywhere to put it except in Hollywood. There’s several properties you can dump it on – Cher, Kardashians, etc. I’m not sure how this can be fixed without people dying down the road. If a hurricane or tornado doesn’t take them out, toxic waste will.

  9. Goldenfoxx, do you still have that train loaded with unknown cargo parked in the heart of agricultural land and head of aqueduct to San Francisco?


    plus the toxic train derailment in NE, the fire at a Y-12 National Security Complex uranium processing facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 3 pemex facility fires ….

  10. “STILL NO DEFINITIVE ANSWERS on what caused the accident”

    They knew right away what the cause was, overheated wheel bearings (they uncovered home video of the wheels on fire minutes before the wreck).

    I can tell you categorically if the will exists, the government can clean it all up like it never happened.

    I live fairly close to Mare Island. For a hundred years, it was a huge Navy dockyard, and the WW2 buffs will remember it being a submarine base where Chester Nimitz was stationed. He loved the Bay Area so much that he moved to Berkeley after the war and retired there. They closed mare island about 20 years ago due to decades of hazardous materials being dumped into the ground, un-inhabitable. But enough lawsuits spurred to action and it was all cleaned up. Mare Island is now pristine; hiking trails, a beautiful marina, and a micro-brewery/restuarant.

  11. @Claudia, no need to be concerned if you were able to see across the St.Clair river from me all along the shore in Ontario is what we refer to as “Chemical Valley “. I’m a mile away from some of the most dangerous chemicals there are. Our county also has the largest cancer rates in the state.


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