World Health Organization pushes for global vaccine passports – IOTW Report

World Health Organization pushes for global vaccine passports

Reclaim the Net: The WHO laid out its plans for global vaccine passports in a series of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) — a legally binding instrument that imposes various conditions on 196 countries when the WHO declares certain types of health emergencies.

As governments around the world wind down their vaccine passport programs, the unelected World Health Organization (WHO) is attempting to make this Covid-era surveillance tech permanent and global.

The WHO laid out its plans for global vaccine passports in a series of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) — a legally binding instrument that imposes various conditions on 196 countries when the WHO declares certain types of health emergencies.

The movement to amend these International Health Regulations (IHR) began in January last year when the Biden administration quietly pushed for major changes. Since this initial push, other member states have proposed their own amendments and the total number of proposed changes now sits at 307. more

20 Comments on World Health Organization pushes for global vaccine passports

  1. Remember that time the entire world voted for the World Health Organization to make decisions about everyone’s health care for them?
    Who in the fuck do these arrogant, self-important assholes think they are?

  2. Try nearly 75 and going on 80 years for the UN to have been founded in 1945 with the commie Alger Hiss as one of its charter signers. The UN like its predecessor The League of Nations should’ve never been founded in the first place. Fuck the UN!

  3. WHO is setting themselves up to put themselves into control of world health care and they are going to rob us blind with this justification:
    “It is completely unacceptable that half the world still lacks coverage for the most essential health services,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO. “And it is unnecessary. A solution exists: universal health coverage (UHC) allows everyone to obtain the health services they need, when and where they need them, without facing financial hardship.”
    Aaaaaaaannnd for the umpteenth time it’s all about the chillun… “Without health care, how can children reach their full potential? And without a healthy, productive population, how can societies realize their aspirations?”

  4. The Chinese, the Russians, Jackass Joe and the elites running WHO are going to relentlessly and continuously kick the finacial underpinnings of this country until we cry uncle!

  5. I find their nifty logo useful.

    If it’s about 1.5 inch across and placed on their jacket over their heart, I’m good at about 350 yds most days.

  6. Wild Bill
    MARCH 2, 2023 AT 2:20 PM
    “The ‘vaccine’ doesn’t work..’

    Yes it does.

    It kills and sterilizes people with certain batches just as it was designed to do.

    It also provides an easy way to identify and persecute those that may be non-compliant in other ways, too.

    While transferring HUGE amounts of the wealth of MANY nations to avowed Communists using Big Pharma as a funnel.

    It works just fine.

    If you take into account what it was REALLY designed to do…

  7. This WHO announcement is just the kind of thing I hate from the world outside the US. I want to be free and independent of all foreign entanglements – the way the US was once intended to be.

    These outsiders neither like nor understand America. They don’t want to try to understand, so fuck them. All they know is obeying their governments.

    “Go It Alone” could be a good slogan for conservatives.


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