Georgia: MTG Gives Gabe Sterling An Earful – IOTW Report

Georgia: MTG Gives Gabe Sterling An Earful


12 Comments on Georgia: MTG Gives Gabe Sterling An Earful

  1. Look at how he shifts to look at her to try to intimidate her.
    She doesn’t move.
    Then his face and neck go beet red.
    Now that’s the way you confront these corrupt bastids

  2. GA was the state that said it had to stop the count because of a water line break in the building. Turned out to be an absolute lie but while almost no one was in the building it did give time for a mother/daughter team in the counting room to pull several propositioned suitcases out from under some tables.

    It was all caught on video as was them taking stacks of ballots out from the suitcases and running them multiple times through tabulators.

    The explanations offered have been laughable.

    Even more laughable are scumbags like this guy trying to tell me it’s raining when he’s standing behind me with his dick out.

    DJT won 2020 in a landslide and until this is rectified we will never have an honest election again.

  3. MTG’s super-power is her ability, even in the most innocuous of events, to cause maximum discomfort to libs with minimal effort.

    This short workout video that she posted, moves that 99% of her colleagues could not do, is a prime example;

    ht tps://

  4. MGT is a badass, both mentally and physically. Watch her do TEN pullups:
    h ps://

    BUT: if you go to the corrupt youtube, you’ll see this and never the video of her doing the ten pullups:
    h ps://

  5. There will never be any election “integrity” until the traitorous perpetrators of fraud are hanged.


    Sad, but true.

    Election fraud isn’t a game – it is TREASON.

    God Bless her for trying to tell that traitor what a worthless POS he is.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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