German Defense Minister Says It cannot Protect Itself In War – IOTW Report

German Defense Minister Says It cannot Protect Itself In War

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Berlin: German army is not capable of protecting the country against any offensive, said Defence Minister Boris Pistorius. He further alleged that the Bundeswehr is understaffed and under-equipped after being left neglected from the federal government for decades.

“We have no armed forces that are capable of defending [Germany] that is, capable of defending [it] against an offensive, brutally waged aggressive war,” German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said during a meeting with fellow members of the Social Democratic Party.

Germany should invest more in its military

The minister claimed that the German army is understaffed and does not have adequate equipment as it has been neglected from the federal government for decades.

He said Germany will have to increase its investment in its military in order to be up to NATO standards.

Last week, Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, the commander and highest ranking officer of the German army, said the 100 billion euro previously promised by Chancellor Olaf Scholz would not be enough to make the country’s armed forces battle ready. MORE

19 Comments on German Defense Minister Says It cannot Protect Itself In War

  1. Eff them.

    When I was stationed outside of Frankfurt, (’79-’82) most of the Germans let their disdain for Americans show bright & clear. They wanted us gone. So when Desert Stomp happened, the entire 3rd Armored Division packed up and went to the Sandbox. After that, the Third Herd was inactivated at Fort Knox, never to return. And they took with them the economy of that patch of Germany.

    The Germans have been so smug about their pansy-ass peacenick way of life that it’s maddening. I just hope that no American blood is ever spilt defending those pricks.

  2. So, they’re telling us that, as a NATO ally, they are absolutely worthless.

    Agreed. And so is NATO.

    Withdraw the United States from NATO.

  3. Well, it is the military’s role to grovel for money.

    Although in ‘recent’ history a strong Germany became everyone else’s problem, hence NATO (we’ll be the power player, so you don’t have to!). The end of WWII was not the military defeat, but that the German people knew that they’d been beaten.

    The U.S. probably overstayed the Marshal Plan function, so as a certain Orange Man used to say: they need to pay more of the cost of securing them.

  4. Just like when ancient Rome allowed anyone and everyone to move there…open borders.
    When it came time to defend themselves none of those non citizens would step up to fight for Rome.

  5. We have no armed forces that are capable of defending the United States that is, capable of defending [it] against an offensive, brutally waged aggressive war,” said Fat Fuck Traitor Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Miley. We are in the same pile of Woke Communist Shit as Germany.

  6. The US has a ready supply of future soldiers! Reinstate the draft and make it subject only to females and sexual deviants! It’s their turn to fight and die in defense of the country!

  7. Screw Europe! Send no more money or arms, we will have our own problems once soiledpants starts WWIII. My main concern was it said Budwiser was understaffed and equipped or something.

  8. Germany’s been whining since the 1950s Cold War about thier insufficient and disfunctional military. This is nothing new.

    This recent “blah, blah” may be due to the fact Dementia Joe keeps getting worse, scaring the crap out of our so called allies. He’s also responsible for weakening our military.

    The German leadership gets it. They don’t want to be looked at as a Western nation that can be called on to help police the world – (a waste of time and resources) if the US military is too fractured. Germany is definitely wimping out to avoid that role.

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