McCullough: mRNA is transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated – IOTW Report

McCullough: mRNA is transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated

It looks like the Messenger RNA is transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated” #Shedding

16 Comments on McCullough: mRNA is transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated

  1. Is the crime engineering the virus? Purposefully leaking the virus to the general public?

    Nah, the crime is forcing billions of people to personally host manufacturing of the china spike protein. Everyone who took the vaxx is a Wuhan laboratory.

  2. Something just occurred to me: the folks who got the jab can’t sue Big Pharma because they agreed to receive it, but what about the unjabbed who may be contaminated by the jabbed? Is there precedent for suing a company for the effects of second-hand pharmaceuticals?

  3. Just like Resident Evil & Raccoon City, we all got shot anyways then…

    Unless the Politicians were getting the Voxceen for the Voxceen to guard against the Voxceen.

    “OX” that is how the Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla pronounced it at the WEF. VOXCEEN

  4. God forbid somebody needs a blood transfusion now.

    And in the future, when unvaccinated people die suddenly or are incapacitated by mRNA-induced maladies, you can bet your life that the jab propagandists will make sure that everybody knows these poor people were not jabbed.

    I can’t believe that Pfizer has doubled down and is still hawking the jab, in light of what’s slowly coming out. But what else are evil people going to do? Make hay while they’ve still got the EUA, I guess.Anybody got a list of ingredients in that thing? Apparently they can keep it secret. Could be nothing but a placebo at this point, and we’d never know.

  5. Miss Kitty March 3, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    Sounds to me like they are trying to kill us all off to start their little utopia, get bent you aholes 😡

    If that’s true to its logical end, then “they” are exposed as well. Sounds like no one escapes. I think I will fair better than those that are jabbed. I’m retired, not around many people. I’ve learned to live with their fear tactics. Take Dr. Malone’s advice, what they tell you to do, do the opposite. Good advice.


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