Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’ – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’

American Thinker:
By Trevor Thomas

In one of his monologues last week, Tucker Carlson called Merrick Garland “the weakest attorney general” in American history. Tucker added, “Merrick Garland has presided over the most aggressive attack on civil liberties, in particular, an attack on the practice of traditional Christianity, than any living American has seen.”

Tucker’s comments came on the heels of Garland’s recent testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. During the testimony, GOP senators Mike Lee and Josh Hawley confronted the attorney general on the Biden Justice Department’s heavy-handed and disproportionate attacks on American Christians, especially noting the attacks against Christians who protest abortion centers.

The senators highlighted the FBI’s shocking raid of Mark Houck’s home, where 20 to 30 agents with “full SWAT gear, heavily armored vests, ballistic shields, helmets, [and] battering ram” terrorized Mr. Houck, his wife, and their seven children simply because Mr. Houck shoved a pro-abortion extremist who was harassing his 12-year-old son.

Tucker also noted the incident involving Paul Vaughn, a pro-life father of eleven children:

6 Comments on Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’

  1. I must not be a professional Christian, thank God. All the goody two shoes holier than thou Christians give the rest of sinners who are saved by grace a bad name. If you haven’t seen the new movie Jesus Revolution yet I highly recommend it. It’s the true story about the Jesus people movement of the late 60’s and early 70’s where a lot of young people including myself at the age of 19 were miraculously saved. Generation Z, the kids between the ages of 16 to 25 and 26 are experiencing a revival like I saw and experienced back then in the early 70’s and they need it more than we did.

  2. “RE: Jesus Revolution movie

    The real life Jesus looking hippie depicted in the movie was a homosexual who died from AIDS.”

    Now that’s a plot twist I didn’t see coming.

  3. Anonymous
    MARCH 7, 2023 AT 7:13 AM
    RE: Jesus Revolution movie

    The real life Jesus looking hippie depicted in the movie was a homosexual who died from AIDS.

    This is incorrect. They’re thinking of the actor who played Eric Liddell in the movie “Chariots of Fire”. The man who played Lonnie Frisbee in “The Jesus Revolution” is currently playing Jesus in the series “The Chosen”.

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