Chris Rock shows everyone how to deal with personal setbacks – IOTW Report

Chris Rock shows everyone how to deal with personal setbacks

American Thinker:

By Rajan Laad

It’s been almost a year since Will Smith walked up the stage at the 94th Oscar Awards and slapped comedian Chris Rock in the face in response to an innocuous joke that Rock had made about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith. 

After subjecting Rock to violence, Smith returned to his seat, where he began bellowing obscenities at an understandably shaken Rock.

It was a disgraceful display by Smith and a much worse display by the luminaries of Hollywood, who cannot stop telling others how to lead their lives.

The “stars” remained, looking befuddled and unsure how to react.  Perhaps they feared being called racist if they immediately condemned Smith.

Perhaps they felt that confronting Smith, who is rich, powerful, and connected, would hurt their careers.  Hollywood had also remained silent over Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behavior when he was a powerful presence in Hollywood.

Perhaps they are so accustomed to following diktats about the latest groupthink or acting in their self-interest that they have forgotten how to react like humans.

Smith should have been forced to leave by the security team, but instead, many of Smith’s colleagues in the auditorium surrounded him and appeared to console him.  Yes, they were consoling the perpetrator. MORE

13 Comments on Chris Rock shows everyone how to deal with personal setbacks

  1. I’m fine with black comedians seeing the light to some degree but remember, at the end of the day THEY WILL CONTINUE TO VOTE DEMOCRAT.
    No Red-pilling for them, EVER.

    I hope republican candidates understand that there is a ceiling on the black vote.
    The maximum black vote a republican can get is less than 12%.
    If you get 9% you’ve done damn good. Overachieved.
    Therefore, stop trying to pander to them, it does no good.
    Trump reached the ceiling in 2020.
    He will likely get less than 2020 black vote in 2024.

    Do what Scott Adams say’s and move on.
    After all, the Latin vote is up for grabs…

  2. Men don’t slap other men. Unless they live in San Fiasco.

    PS Thank you, Jeffery, for doing your bit to hang on to the black vote since young blacks are waking up.

  3. …Chris Rock ALSO offered EXCELLENT advice on how Black young men could avoid having negative police encounters which, if followed 100%, we would have had 0 police incidents involving injury or death of young Black males, cities wouldn’t have burned, and poverty pimps would be on food stamps.

    …alas, this Black man wasn’t heeded, so here we are…

  4. What people won’t do for recognition, publicity, and money. I do not care about who slapped who, I call it black-on-black crime and we some how enjoy watching it. It would have been a bigger statement if one of them shot the other in front of millions. That’s a statement, not a slap on the face.

  5. Following up on what loco said, which I agree with, the goal is not to “pander” to any tribe but to posit ideas that will benefit everyone. Everyone wants safer streets, everyone wants to keep more of their hard-earned wages, everyone wants competent schools that teach the basics, everyone wants fairness (not equity) in government actions, and everyone wants our leaders to put Americans first before they go traipsing off to fix the world’s ills. If we are an open tent party, welcoming to all who want to be free and take agency in their own lives, we will be popular and get support.

  6. I realized something a while ago and this confirms it.

    I’ve become jaded.

    I always thought this whole slap thing was a publicity stunt. All the yapping about it was exactly why they did it.

    Even now, Rock’s comments and response could be all for the show.

    Guess it comes down to … I don’t care. What minor illegality was involved means nothing compared to the injustice, evil manipulation of our nation; children, poisoning our food/water/land, medical issues, freedom enshrined in the Constitution being ignored, etc. When all of that gets fixed, I’ll care about who slapped whom.

    Until then, I don’t care and don’t believe whatever they say.

  7. @ SNS MARCH 7, 2023 AT 7:31 AM

    How we should give a link here.

    Good job.

    All you have to do is copy and paste into your browser bar.

    I choose “paste and go”.

  8. I went to a Chappell/Rock show a few months ago. Rock is certainly not pro life. He made a point to tell us he wants his daughters to grow up in a world where they can undo their mistakes and that he supports termination even post birth. As far as the bitch slap, I have a hard time feeling sorry Rock as he didn’t press charges. Does he think he was in the hood? He got publicly assaulted and humiliated and he votes democrat. I say good.


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