“It’s Happening Everywhere” – IOTW Report

“It’s Happening Everywhere”

CBS ignores criticism

h/t JDHasty

5 Comments on “It’s Happening Everywhere”

  1. People like my family that use the alphabets/legacy media as their main & usually only information sources are fucking hopeless. They’re the ones that lined up and are still lining up for injections. They’re slowly dying off. I’ll miss my sister but good GD riddance to most of these assholes.

    In the Atkisson take, I remember her telling us how she heard her computer turn on and watched as salacious data was downloaded and the wording in her written reporting was being changed. If I recall correctly, she had phone video of this happening.

    It’s a giant 1984 out there and the fact is if you’re online, you’re compromised. TPTB are watching all of this banter and taking notes, bet you ass.

  2. Mark Rice has toned down his delivery. He sounds much better now.

    Back in the late ‘70’s and early ‘80’s my first wife liked to watch 60 Minutes. I would piss her off by accurately predicting their take on the story before the credits at the beginning of the piece were even finished.

  3. With all of the milk toast, go-along/get-along, limp-dicked Republicans out there just wandering around in the rough looking for their balls while they collect a fat pay check, I am more and more convinced that there ain’t no Cavalry comin to our rescue!


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