World’s Most Premature Twins – IOTW Report

World’s Most Premature Twins

Babies With 0% Chance of Survival Become World’s Most Premature Twins to Live—Parents Give God All the Glory.

18 Comments on World’s Most Premature Twins

  1. This is more proof that you never, ever accept the verdict of men on the lives of your children no matter what coat they wear or what title they bear.

    I worked with a male twin who was born a preeme for many years. Males have more difficulty with females with their lungs starting at birth, so a surfactant was used to unstick his lungs to work. With the help of that and the grace of God, he grew and got strong enough to be an industrial mechanic today. His sister did fine as well.

    A blogger here you all know had premature twins as well. The male there also got that treatment and both lived to enter the most learned of professions there is. His is not my story to tell, though, so I will let him do so if he wishes.

    My own son was born cleft. Doctors told me he’d be blind, deaf, dumb, probably stupid, and likely unable to ever even feed himself.

    None of those horrible things came true. Not even slightly. There have been challenges and surgeries, but the Lord sees us through.

    There are many other examples, but suffice to say, again, trust in the Lord rather than in any Man. It is for Him to say who lives and who dies, not anyone else.

    This by no stretch means an easy road. Troubles and trials await, too much oxygen can blind, too little can damage, skin is very easily damaged, developmental milestones need watched, a myriad of things can go wrong.

    And I cannot tell you of the sleepless nights ahead of thanking the Lord for every faint rise of the chest at 3AM or every ounce of fluid they can absorb. Those parents are going to have their faith tested and their sleep deprived for quite some time to come.

    I wish I could

    They need prayer.

    Dear Lord, please touch those parents and the newborn lives you have entrusted them with. Lend them your strength to endure, your heart to perservere, your love to bring them closer to each other, their children, and to You with each pasing hour. Reward their spoken testimony of faith in You and the glory they rightfully give You with Your good gifts, see to their material, medical, and spiritual needs as You monitor their doctors and walk around their children’s bedside as their Ultimate Physician. Bring them full and complete healing, be beside them at every milestone, walk beside them as they thrive and grow stronger and body and firmer in mind, and draw them ever closer to You that they may know to praise You even as their parents do, until that day l, many years from today, when they return to Your Heavenly Home to contine their praise of You for all eternity. It is much to ask and we are not worthy, but with God all things are possible and by the blood of Your Son we ask the mercy of He who is worthy, in the precious name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

    God Bless,

  2. Wow! That is amazing! I thought my son was tiny being born at 27 weeks! Thank God he avoided all of the potential problems premies can have, though he almost didn’t make it at first. Very scary. The hospital accidentally started sending us the bills and,holy cow! I called my son the “quarter of a million dollar baby”. 😬

  3. SNS gave me a pass on his royalty fees for this one and writing part of this is harder than Chinese Math.

    By now some of you have already heard the stories and snippets I’ve put in the comments over time. My twins were born 2 ½ months premature in 1987. Back then that was iffy.

    Antenatal betamethasone in one form or another is used to speed up lung development in preterm fetuses. It stimulates the synthesis and release of surfactant and was being tested as “experimental” back then. Three hospitals in the Chicagoland area at the time were using/testing it at the time and required you to sign a release to let them include you in the testing of this experimental drug (now used as a matter of standard practice). We were smiled upon by the fates (some would say God) being admitted into one of the three hospitals (Evanston Hospital). (That in of itself is a long story perhaps for another time.)

    They stopped the labor that another “hospital” did not even recognize and almost caused a spontaneous abortion at the time. Got her the hell out of than one and drove her over to Evanston from the northwest suburbs. Didn’t even give one of SNS’s brothers a chance at doing the driving. Signed her out against advice (hospital) and followed the direction of her PCP (as it’s called today) “Get her the hell out of there and take her to Evanston.” He called to say we were coming. A few weeks later she went into labor again; that they could not stop it even though she had been admitted those weeks earlier. By the time I got over there they were pulling my son out of her as I entered the OR.

    C-section and they had her opened up like when I clean a goose on the back stoop. Shot the surfactant into the lungs and then withdrew it. At The time I had no clue what was taking place, but for some reason I had an unshakeable confidence that EVERYTHING was going to work out just fine. They had three teams in the OR; one for each kid as they got them out and one attending to the wife.

    Long story short my son was 2# 6 ounces and daughter was 3# 2 ounces. They are both in medicine today as I’ve also mentioned in comments over time. The wife had more long term problems from the birth than the kids who are both doing well these days.

    Now the hard part (the shortened version). My son married another doctor and they both live up in WI. They wanted kids real bad and did the in vitro, but were pushed into getting the jab. She was carrying twins that seemed to be doing just fine. Then the male died and she had to carry the dead fetus for a number of weeks before they allowed the birth to take place. It was extremely difficult for them and my son chose to see the delivery of his dead son when given the option of not watching as the boy was delivered. ( Had to be delivered before the daughter could pass. )

    No one will ever convince me that the jab didn’t kill the boy. The grand daughter is doing well and smarter than my two ever were at this stage of her development (sixteen months). So we were blessed with the granddaughter being saved.

    Have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to what I believe was the jab, but when it’s immediate family you react differently to it. Given the opportunity to have contact with Mr. Fauci without body guards being around I… Let’s just say I’d probably get arrested.

    Blame this comment on SNS as he alerted me to the thread.

    Resentments and anger destroy their containers and with consul from SNS I’ve let most of it go…

    Now I can go back and read the other comments

  4. Daughter works in a pediatric practice and is a couple of months away from getting her Nurse Practitioner credentials and frankly I’m thinking she better equipped to serve and help people than most of the doctors out there. She’ll not be cowed by other medicos or any other medical system telling her how to practice.

    Both her and her husband are unjabbed and had a very difficult time avoiding it.

    The down side to having your kids in medicine is you get the straight skinny and know how badly we are being failed by so many in the current system.

  5. Anymouse,
    “my son chose to see the delivery of his dead son”
    Got damn dusty in here all of a sudden. Pass a kleenex.
    Bless your family.
    And God damn Fauci and all his ilk.
    The not-a-vaxx is murder, plain and simple.

  6. I just turned 70. woohoo, I’ve made it this far. My youngest daughter (who lives with me) Caity is 34 and was born with some birth defects including her skull not being able to fuse properly at the appropriate time. She had to undergo a craniotomy and brain surgery at the age of 3 or 4 in the early 90’s at Seattle’s Children’s Hospital. She may have started out a little slower than my other 2 older kids but is as normal as they are and is a preschool teacher of little kids at Spokane Falls Comm. College Head Start. She has far more compassion for little kids and my cat and border collie than anyone else that I know because of a lot of the adversity she experienced as a small child and is a total blessing to all of us.

  7. Anymouse, you’ve told me much of your story here and there, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it end to end like that, and it is amazing, and very well written. Thank you for relating the whole story, especially considering that some of those mentioned may read it for themselves

    I am in awe of your son’s courage in facing his murdered son being delivered. That must have been extremely difficult for him, especially awful for a healer to see and know there’s nothing he can do, but he doesn’t leave his wife to face it alone, but hes there to share both the joy of the daughter and the loss of the son with her together. That boy was raised right.

    In fact, you are blessed with a quite a crowd there. Your chidren are extremely talented and diligent, and your granddaughter is quite beautiful. If you count your blessings instead of your curses, I’d say you come out ahead by a wide margin.

    “3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
    4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
    5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.”

    Psalm 127:3-5

    …you have quite a quiver there, my friend.

    May you long enjoy the gifts the Lord gave you.

    God Bless you and yours,

  8. …and Conservative Cowgirl and Geoff, you have incredible children too. Considering both of you have served your fellow man in different ways for many years, it seems right that folks like you get a miracle too.

    God Bless you both,

  9. That was a prayer answered. The man’s quote right at the end, “Life begins so much earlier than we might know it today”…..Dear sweet father, life began 22 weeks prior when God blessed the union.

  10. Thank you SNS and all the crew at Mr. Big’s circus.

    A place to sometimes look at as a refuge and seek support.

    The combined experience here has the answer or comment that is so often needed.

  11. Was going to send this as a private e-mail to SNS and mistakenly sent him a blank e-mail when I decided to throw it here.

    The daughter coming out of college and nursing school worked a number of different disciplines leading to her current job in pediatrics. This in turn gave her the experience to be at the top of her class as she has gone through the course work and clinicals ending as the nurse practitioner. Finishing the sentences for the profs and giving examples in practice related stories.

    One of the positions she held was in obstetrics and gynecology working for the doctor who almost killed them in 1987. He is ex-military and his qualifications and practice are questionable. That one was of the shortest time frames in all her various practices as he validated his less than stellar performance.

    Sad when the nurses have to prevent harm from the doctor or correct his attempts at “practice.”


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