Can the Lone Star State go it alone? State lawmaker introduces ‘TEXIT’ bill for secession – IOTW Report

Can the Lone Star State go it alone? State lawmaker introduces ‘TEXIT’ bill for secession

JTN: ATexas lawmaker has introduced a so-called “TEXIT” bill that would put secession from the Union on the ballot.

Rep. Bryan Slaton, R-Houston, introduced the Texas Independence Referendum Act which would facilitate a statewide vote on whether Texas “should reassert its status as an independent nation,” the New York Post reported.

The Republic of Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836 and formally joined the United States in 1845 in the wake of the Mexican War. The state previously seceded from the Union as part of the Confederate States of America during the U.S. Civil War. MORE

26 Comments on Can the Lone Star State go it alone? State lawmaker introduces ‘TEXIT’ bill for secession

  1. Oh please please please! This 66 y/o 4th Gen Texan would like the Great Republic to offer all the communist move-ins a one-way ticket to somewhere else. We’ve got woke natives in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antone to reckon with.

  2. I hope they bring in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North and South Dakota. maybe Arkansas and Missouri and truly create a middle boundary from the liberal filth on either coasts. Other states could follow and join….It all starts with an idea…..

  3. Texas was a nation before it was a state. It can be a nation again. All the larger states could be nations in the most basic understanding. Texas has many great advantages over many others. Sea coast, energy and agriculture come to mind. Normal people are desperate to get away from the leftists. Even ‘leftish’ people want to escape.

  4. Missouri would work, willysgoatgruff.

    We had 2 Bidumb signs in all of the 90 miles I traveled from Gainesville to Springfield and one of them was in Sparta. The Bidumb guy in Sparta went to buy some coal and they doubled the price on him right then. He said he’d have to ask his wife, and when he came back they told him there was no more coal. They pushed him out of town, eventually, and I’m sure he became a parasite somewhere else.

  5. If it makes it easier for me to get a g-ddamn Texas Drivers Licence/Texas ID then YES. I’ve been here almost a year and I still can’t jump through all the friggin hoops (and I’m here legally!)

    Without a Texas ID, I can’t open a bank account, apply for a credit card or get age/homestead exemption on property taxes. GRRR.

  6. Two years ago Texas defense suppliers were awarded $727,422,933,018.00 in contracts. So now they’re broke. Cut off. The machine shops, sheet metal shops, metal suppliers, metal finishers are all out of business. I hope the stupid fucks do it. Mooo.

  7. Mrs radiomattm, same in MO. OK, you have to know who I am… but…

    It took quite a while to sort out.

    And never tell them you are, “farm exempt”. Or get “historic tags”.

  8. When Texas successfully secedes from the current FedGov tyranny, it will be the seed crystal in the supersaturated solution that is the current unrest in the USSA.

  9. Erik

    “And never tell them you are, “farm exempt”. Or get “historic tags”.

    I don’t even know what that means LOL, so I’m guessing it doesn’t apply to me. Although it is nice to know that I’m not the only one who has to jump through these hoops.

  10. @ Mrs radiomattm….Eric means that you need to tell Mr radiomattm that you think his tractor is sexy even though it sports antique tractor license plates….

  11. ^^^
    The US government takes more from Texas than it gives to Texas. Not many states can say that. Like Sam Houston once said, “Texas doesn’t need the US, but the US needs Texas.”

  12. Maybe all the mid-west could join Texas and make up the United States of America?
    There’s even a Constitution available that isn’t being used – we could get it cheap.
    Turn the maggots loose – get rid of CA, OR, WA, MD, MA, ME, NH, VT, NY, NJ, CT, RI, DC, MI, MN, fukkin KY keeps sending that traitor to DC, so get rid of them, too – or just fulfill the wishes of the “socialists” and re-locate them to asparagus farms in the Yukon.
    Seal the borders – for real – not this pretend shit we see both north and south.

    Ahh … it’s good to dream …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


    If you think those are give aways, you need to change your thinking. Every dollar from the Feds has a string attached. That isn’t freedom being sucked from the Federal tit.

  14. Every dollar the FedGov “gives” away was first stolen from those they’re “giving” it back to (after siphoning off a bit).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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