‘Squad’ Democrats Funneling Money to Men They’re Sleeping With – IOTW Report

‘Squad’ Democrats Funneling Money to Men They’re Sleeping With


Another member of “The Squad,” a consortium of radical left-wing Democratic lawmakers, has been caught funneling campaign money to her male lover.

Rep. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) married her private security guard, Cortney Merritts, in a secret ceremony last month. The revelation raised concern among ethics advocates who pointed out that Bush’s campaign had paid Merritts more than $62,000 since January 2022, long after the pair became romantically involved.

Despite being paid for security services, Merritts does not appear to have a private security license, which is required to perform security services in St. Louis, where Bush’s district is located. He did have a security license at some point, but it expired in 2012.

Why it matters: Bush is the second “Squad” member to come under fire for using campaign funds to line the pockets of her romantic partner. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), the 2019 Anti-Semite of the Year, married her top political consultant Tim Mynett in 2020 after funneling more than $500,000 to Mynett’s firm.

Context: Before marrying him, Omar repeatedly denied allegations that she was dating Mynett, probably because he was married to another woman at the time. Court documents indicate that Mynett separated from his wife in April 2019 after admitting he was “romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar.” more here

14 Comments on ‘Squad’ Democrats Funneling Money to Men They’re Sleeping With

  1. Don’t judge the elite, they are above indictment, prosecution and the very laws that govern the masses. The elite consider themselves “Royalty”.
    The House Ethics committee and the DOJ are a paper tigers established to protect the elite thieves, perverts and the corrupt.

  2. This seems to be the SOP for female demonrats.
    Remember Cynthia McKinney?
    I guess they figure that since the money was donated to their campaigns, it’s theirs to do with as they like.

    What’s hers is hers and what’s yours is hers.

    Natural born liars and thieves either go into politics or law OR politics AND law.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Just like ghetto whores, “dey gots to pay der pimp.” And those of us who watched the Wayans Bros. know, “My bitch…better have…my money. Not half, not some, but all.”

  4. Pfizer CEO Bourla to the Demos:

    Push more Voxcine or we will cut off the supply of those little blue that keep you “men” functioning.

  5. Even marriage is a scam to most black people. I’ve known some really decent black guys who have respect for their families and their marriage, but the vast majority of the black guys I’ve ever known see doing the nasty on the side is a birthright and they don’t mind letting you know it.


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