Kidnappings demonstrate yet another consequence of Joe Biden’s open borders – IOTW Report

Kidnappings demonstrate yet another consequence of Joe Biden’s open borders

American Thinker:

The vicious kidnapping of four American tourists by Mexican cartel henchmen during a shootout in the border city of Matamoros demonstrates that yes, the State Department knew what it was talking about when it warned Americans to stay the hell out of Mexico.

According to the Washington Post:

Four U.S. citizens were kidnapped by armed men in Mexico on Friday, officials in both countries said.

The Americans crossed into Matamoros, a city in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, from Brownsville, Tex., in a white minivan with North Carolina plates, the FBI said.

The passengers came under fire soon after entering the city. They were then placed into another vehicle and taken away. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the four had “crossed the border to buy medicine in Mexico” when they were caught in a crossfire “between groups.”

The Post has a hard-to-watch video of the Americans being dragged out of their car and shoved into the cartel vehicle. MORE

13 Comments on Kidnappings demonstrate yet another consequence of Joe Biden’s open borders

  1. We used to know don’t travel at night in Mexico especially highway 1. Now it’s don’t travel anywhere in Mexico.
    Coming to a city near you.
    Diversity is the most important thing on earth.

  2. The first news I saw said they were in Mexico so the woman could get a “tummy tuck.” Now AMLO’s telling us they were there to buy “medicine.”

    “So, which was it, AMLO?”

    “Callarse la boca,” he explained.

  3. So, two of them idiots are dead, and 2 got saved. Oh what women won’t do for a tummy tuck. Yep, that was why they traveled down there…one of them was getting a tummy tuck. Instead, you got a coffin and an eternal dirt nap.

  4. Four people make a trip to Mexico from the Carolina’s to save money on a medical procedure?
    Bullshit! Drug deal gone bad or on wrong territory would be more likely.

  5. @Different Tim — Now they’re saying the trip was to buy “medicine.” Fentanyl’s medicine, right?

    Anyhow, you’re spot on: Drug run. Not a doubt in my mind.

  6. dam where am i going to get the cheap gasoline? could it be by design we have no alternatives to the crippling inflation. sounds like a win win for biden to continue the assault on american citizens who do not perform the lockstep.

  7. Different Tim March 8, 2023 at 9:41 am

    Four people make a trip to Mexico from the Carolina’s to save money on a medical procedure?
    Bullshit! Drug deal gone bad or on wrong territory would be more likely.

    Saw pics of them and they certainly look like the druggie types. African American, dreadlocks, and 2 are dead. Doubt they went to Mexico for drugs, not when it’s rampant in America.

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