It’s up to states and counties to fight the World Health Organization – IOTW Report

It’s up to states and counties to fight the World Health Organization

American Thinker:

There is an urgent immediate need for specially crafted county ordinances and state laws to protect American citizens from the totalitarian dictates of the international World Health Organization (WHO).  As early as May 2023, due to a voluntary loss of U.S. sovereignty by the Biden administration, the WHO will have authority to dictate medical practice and treatments in America under WHO-declared pandemic situations, which can be manufactured at will by WHO supporters and intermediaries.

In other words, WHO “elite” leaders and supporters (who include the Chinese Communist Party) will be able to dictate what American physicians, hospitals, health care workers, etc. can and cannot do during a pandemic.  It is well documented that the so-called global “elites” plan to establish a one-world government (the “Great Reset”) primarily through the health dictates and mandates of the WHO.  For all concerned patriotic Americans, this is an untenable development that must be fought tooth and nail.

According to well known attorney Dr. Francis Boyle, in May 2023, the United States will most likely become a signatory to a WHO international agreement (via presidential executive agreement — sometimes called a treaty), giving that organization the authority described above.  Boyle further explains that even if America does not become a signatory to the agreement, the WHO will gain authority over American health care and physicians during a pandemic through amendments to international health regulations first established in 2005.  These amendments do not require U.S. congressional approval to become effective. MORE

9 Comments on It’s up to states and counties to fight the World Health Organization

  1. A quick search didn’t turn up any model legislation for “specially crafted county ordinances and state laws” to use as starting points. They would be very helpful to those choosing that path rather than a more kinetic response to WHO pandemic enforcer thugs and bureaucrats.

  2. I’m sure WHO bureaurocats will be coming over to make sure their diktats are being followed.
    Will they be wearing blue berets?
    And their armed guards wearing blue helmets?
    (asking for a friend…..)

  3. I see where the WHO has appropriated and denegrated yet another formerly trusted symbol, this time the Rod of Asclepius. This offends me no end for a variety of reasons, up to and including that I am wearing one now, but for the complete opposite meaning than the evil one that THEY will give it.

    This is what is superimposed over their foul map of the world they wish to have complete dominion over, and has to this point and from antiquity a symbol of hope and healing, neither of which is anything the UN offers. This is the single snake on a bronze rod, and is found on first aid kits, ambulances, emergency communications devices, anywhere in medicine that a caduceus (generally reserved for doctors) isn’t used, typically incorporated into a star of life and always meant to be a fairly univeral shorthand for “you can find help here in an emergency”. Not to get too far into the weeds of Greek mythology, but one concept of where the Greeks may have gotten the idea for it makes it wholly inappropriate for use by the UN.

    You see, one thought as to why the snake on the staff means healing comes from a practice from Egypt that the Greeks may have witnessed and adopted, which was dealing with the endemic river parasites. Ivermectin having not been invented yet, it is said some Egyptian healer came up with the idea of visualizing the parasite as it crawled under the skin (sounds WONDERFUL, nicht wahr?), and making an incision just in front of it so it would pop its head out. The healer would then carefully wrap the parasite around the shaft until its entire length were drawn from the sufferer’s body, and then dispose of it with fire which is one of the reasons for the bronze rod that isn’t damaged by flame.

    The fact that, in its original, it was used to extract destructive parasited from human beings is what makes it COMPLETELY wrong for them.

    Because they -ARE- the destuctive parasites.

    And may we find a knife and a rod to extract them from the body politic forever before it’s too late.

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