Speaker McCarthy rejects Zelensky invitation to visit Ukraine: ‘No blank checks’ – IOTW Report

Speaker McCarthy rejects Zelensky invitation to visit Ukraine: ‘No blank checks’


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has rejected an invitation from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to visit Ukraine.

The California Republican told CNN he felt no need to visit the war-ravaged country to formulate his position on funding the Kyiv regime amid the war effort.

“I will continue to get my briefings and others, but I don’t have to go to Ukraine or Kyiv to see it. And my point has always been, I won’t provide a blank check for anything,” he said. “Let’s be very clear about what I said: no blank checks, OK? So, from that perspective, I don’t have to go to Ukraine to understand where there’s a blank check or not.”

The then-minority leader vowed during the 2022 midterms that a Republican-led Congress would not write a “blank check” to the country amid criticism of the Biden administration’s open-handed approach to providing the nation with aid against Russia. more

13 Comments on Speaker McCarthy rejects Zelensky invitation to visit Ukraine: ‘No blank checks’

  1. Buut
    Meestur Mac Karthee
    We Have Meny Meny Young Hookars that you can PIzz On and do what you want.
    All we Neeed is is for you to come over and we can set up offshore Bahnking Accownts in where evar Cahnttree you wahnt.

    No No No.
    No Videeeo Kameras.
    No Reecording.
    I Promizze

    — V.Z.

  2. The feel-good story of the day is that Mitch McConnell is hospitalized after a fall down some steps last night.
    The rat-bastard was wearing his fucking Ukraine colored tie yesterday when he blasted Tucker for… *checks notes* being transparent.

  3. “… hospitalized after a fall …”
    You can’t damage a sack of monkey shit by throwing it down the stairs!
    This can’t be factual.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Did Mitch the Bitch get the Dirty Harry (Reid) treatment, getting beat up by a rubber band?
    Pictures or it didn’t happen…nah, it happened, I just want to see pics of the Murder Turtle (LOL) with his black eye!


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