‘So You’re in This as a Threesome?’ – IOTW Report

‘So You’re in This as a Threesome?’

Clown show: Democrat Sylvia Garcia to Michael Shellenberger: ‘So You’re in This as a Threesome?’

14 Comments on ‘So You’re in This as a Threesome?’

  1. Congress has become the home of those who have failed up.

    Where do they find these ignorant people and shame on the fools that keep voting for them

  2. The Democrat party surely has an intellectually superior group of people representing their party. If you don’t believe me, just ask them. Seriously, is this all they have? Are those who publicly represent the Democrat party their brightest? If they are the level of intelligence within the party must be extremely challenged.

  3. I was having breakfast with a group and the conversation turned to: What would ever possess anyone, no matter how stupid, to vote for someone as lacking in intelligence and bereft of accomplishment as some booger eating moron who had just been elected to some local office.

    A friend of an friend offered for consideration the theory that low self esteem, low accomplishment, lazy, worthless, narcissists vote these examples into leadership positions to give themselves the illusion that they too could become them. He put the likelihood of it actually happening in context of the ghetto youth who dreams of playing in the NBA. My buddy passed away shortly after we had had that discussion, and what he offered up for thought was something he just threw out as part of a larger conversation. I have thought about what he had to offer and have been frustrated for fifteen years that I never got an opportunity to follow up on that conversation.

    I believe his observation has a great deal of merit.

  4. JD: I don’t think it’s anything more complicated than people aren’t paying attention to politics and just vote for the idiot with a “D” after their name.

  5. Democrats, always a class act. When they started talking over each other and interrupting, Jordan should have banged the gavel and had the Sargent at Arms remove them from the Chamber.
    A “Threesome” is something that unfortunate looking, woman I guess, will EVER have to worry about unless you define a threesome as her, a gallon of Ben and Jerry’s and a bottle of Wild Turkey.

  6. The point of the exercise is to intimidate those who oppose them into silence. Thus, the great interest among democrat house members to know who had access to the Twitter files and the names of the journalist who have been exposing their collusion.

    While Shellenberger and Taibbi were laughing it up during the hearing, the left has recorded their names and any others they can find for retribution. I hope for their sake their careers and future welfare don’t depend on the establishment.


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