Recent First Ladies and Their Academic Degrees – IOTW Report

Recent First Ladies and Their Academic Degrees

PJM: I am frankly amazed at the intellectual ineptitude revealed by our recent Democrat First Ladies’ degree-awarded ventures in academic exposition and by the media adulation they have received for their efforts. Having recently published an analysis of Jill Biden’s doctoral dissertation, pointing out its utter inadequacy, I find it comes as no surprise that former First Lady Michelle Obama considers it a work of substantial merit and heaps accolades on Biden as “a brilliant woman who has distinguished herself in her profession.”

Michelle Obama is herself the recipient of an academic honor in the shape of a Bachelor’s Degree from Princeton for her senior thesis, “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community,” in which she attempts to estimate “an introspective measure of change, as perceived by the individual” in “the effects of a Princeton education on Blacks and Black students’ attitudes…pre-, intra-, and post-Princeton.” A putative achievement of this dubious nature does not confirm Obama (then Michelle LaVaughn Robinson) as qualified to comment on the brilliance of others.

Given the acclaim Michelle Obama has enjoyed for her influential public voice, it behooves us to consider where and how her career acquired its impetus — her vaunted thesis. True, the thesis was written many years ago, but let us not forget that it served as Obama’s ticket into the “new elite,” despite its being a gallimaufry of platitudes and pseudo-academic fustian.

Indeed, there are so many verbal and grammatical gaffes peppering the study that one scarcely knows where to begin. MORE HERE

23 Comments on Recent First Ladies and Their Academic Degrees

  1. You can have all the degrees you wish to put behind your name, and we have acronyms for all of them. Take for instance Jill Biden’s pHD. Humper called her out on her useless degree – piled higher and deeper. Matters not Dr = dumb as a rock. The most important degree you will ever own is the blood of Christ – if you accept it. It’s not written on paper either and handed to you.

  2. Adulation for nothing.
    They are praised (Jill and Moose) because of their sick politics and their intense hatred of America and all things American.
    The fact that their “theses” are utter and complete bullshit avails nothing – the imbeciles who worship these two piles of feces have no interest, whatsoever, in the validity of their claims to fame – the imbeciles worship them because they’re “supposed” to – they’ve been told by the Media that that’s what they must to do.
    Remember the Moose was “the most glamorous first lady since Jackie Kennedy?”
    What complete bullshit. What a denial of the visual proofs.
    Rosalynn Carter, Nancy Reagan, and even Hillary Clinton might disagree with that absurd assertion.

    And now this harridan “doctor” is set on center stage as an object of adoration for the mindless imbeciles.

    Mankind hasn’t changed since before the days of Pisistratus.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “…grammatical gaffes..”

    Gramma be rayyciss and sheeit.

    ht tps://

  4. “I’m hoping Dr. Jill becomes the surgeon general, his wife.”

    “Joe Biden’s wife. She would never do it but, yeah, she’s a hell of a doctor. She’s an amazing doctor,”

  5. …and degrees for everything, even medicine, get exponentially cheapened and even dangerously so because, equity, or something…

    “In general, a younger black doctor is someone to avoid. This will only get worse in the future as admissions standards continue to be segregated into a two-tier system, one that is highly competitive for Whites and Asians and another than is far less selective for blacks and mestizos. Once they get into medical school, it is becoming nigh impossible to dislodge them. From Dr. Stanley Goldfarb in his book Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns: Why Turning Doctors into Social Justice Warriors is Destroying American Medicine.
    The inarguable reality is that Blacks are preferentially admitted to medical school. Once admitted, they are virtually guaranteed to graduate. And once graduated, they are likely to find training programs more than eager to accept them in the name of diversity.”
    “the “Step One” Licensing Exam taken at he end of the second year of med school, is as of this spring Pass/Fail. The reason for this change had nothing to do with improving patient outcomes in the future and everything to do with the fact that on objective tests designed to measure all medical school students on an even playing field, blacks did very poorly and their poor scores (on average) meant that they were rightly not extended residency offers in the most competitive fields. ”

    …taste the diversity…

  6. Just for the record, Jill B.’s doctorate is an Ed.D and not a Ph.D. Ignoring for the moment all the politicrap, the academic requirements for a Ph.D. are WAAAAAY tougher, plus the evaluation panel profs tend to be less stupid.

  7. Are you sure it’s not MICHAEL LaVaughn Robinson Obama?
    I’d LOVE to get a skin/hair sample (with gloves) and run it through DNA tests for gender, family (23-and-Me type stuff) and anything else.

  8. @ President….., on the male/female question – I am certain she’s a “she.” I have had several trans patients over the years and, I promise you, no self respecting tranny orders A cups. Michelle Obama is simply an angry woman. She would be more attractive if she were not so angry.

  9. Found “The Making of a Surgeon” to be a decent read…
    William A. Nolen

    Might have to go to the used book sellers for hard copy…
    He has other titles that I never got to…

  10. Hope I don’t get bounced, I like this site. The people who awarded these ‘degrees’ to these ‘ladies’ are, well, cock suckers. What else could they be?


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