Arizona warns Mexican cartels are lacing fentanyl with animal tranquilizer – IOTW Report

Arizona warns Mexican cartels are lacing fentanyl with animal tranquilizer


Mexican cartels are using Xylazine, an animal tranquilizer, as a cutting agent for fentanyl, according to a report exclusively obtained by The Center Square.

On March 3, 2023, the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center unclassified a Situational Awareness Bulletin prepared by the Southern Tactical Intelligence Unit, in conjunction with the Joint Strategic Analysis Unit, to make state and local law enforcement agencies aware of an emerging trend: Mexican cartels are lacing fentanyl with Xylazine.

The ACTIC report states, “On February 27, 2023, STIU received information regarding cartels using xylazine as a cutting agent for fentanyl products.”

“Unlike fentanyl, xylazine is not an opioid and does not respond to the use of naloxone (Narcan). Although it may appear ineffective in someone with both fentanyl and xylazine in their system, law enforcement or emergency personnel should utilize Narcan,” the bulletin states. Because Narcan only counters the effects of the opioid in a mixture, those poisoned by it “may require additional measures to survive,” the bulletin states. more

11 Comments on Arizona warns Mexican cartels are lacing fentanyl with animal tranquilizer

  1. Opened the mail of a neighbor yesterday by mistake, it was put in my box by mistake by the post-office …marijuana seeds here in NY. I guess its okay to ship it everywhere now. Times change, can guns be sent now??

  2. …we kinda dud this once before so I won’t repeat…

    ht tps://

    …except to say the two biggest things about this are that they CAN be reucitated in conjunction with Narcan (they stay asleep but can spontaneously breathe since Xylazine isn’t a respiratory paralytic like Fentanyl is), and that Tranq adds HORRORIFIC wound management probems to the mix, wounds that don’t heal, become infected, become gangrenous, and can result in amputation.

    So, if Fentanyl alone isn’t risky enough for you, here’s a way to suffer horrobly before you die.

    …this isn’t necessarily an accident or an unwanted lacing, either. Insane drug users say the “problem” with Fentanyl is the “high” (if you live) is too short, so the “Tranq” is to make it last longer.

    Which I’m sure is comforting if a kid gets into the stash.

    …people are not careful with their drugs. Ask the zoo handling the “Cocaine Cat” about that. Kids can get them, and they can even be in bogus but legit-looking medicine sometimes.

    So as always, I’m going to say find out about Narcan in your locality. get some if you can, and understand how to use it.

    Because this is only going to get worse.

    Especially considering the people wielding stolen governmental power.

  3. Deplorable Second Class
    MARCH 11, 2023 AT 11:09 AM
    “Times change, can guns be sent now??”

    …only to people the FBI groomed to run false flag operations with.

    It’s nice hardware, but you have to kill people, including yourself, to get the deal.

    But they will help you with the “suicide” part if you’re squeamish, so there’s that…

  4. Kcir
    MARCH 11, 2023 AT 12:59 PM
    ‘Yet Mexican Chemists still can’t figure out how to provide Clean water.’

    …neither can the EPA in East Palestine.

    …so much simpler to just lie about it…

  5. Given that testimony before the Arizona Senate the week before last implicates most of the Arizona government, including the new governor, as being in the employ of the Sinaloa cartel and involved in massive real estate and money-laundering schemes, who or what should a citizen believe?


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