“Yankee Tax” – IOTW Report

“Yankee Tax”

Will the “Yankee Tax” Save Red States?

Blue-State Refugees Threaten Jefferson’s America

Resurgence: Legislation recently proposed in South Carolina has touched a nerve.  Nicknamed the “Yankee tax,” the law proposed by South Carolina state Senator Stephen Goldfinch would require new residents to pay up to $500 to move to the Palmetto State.  The charges would come in two $250 installments, for a new driver’s license and for vehicle registration.

Goldfinch explained, “Our quality of life has been diminished by the almost 4 million people that have moved here in the last decade.”  He added, “Everybody is concerned about their quality of life.”

While couched in fiscal terms, this legislation underscores an important effort by Red State Americans to defend their turf. 

The trends require such self-defense. Americans are on the move.  And this mass migration is changing the states they’re moving to.

26 Comments on “Yankee Tax”

  1. SC would be better off by just keeping out the socialists, communists, illegal-alien invading rat-people, nazis, demonrats, and ragheads.

    Some people escape from nazi-controlled states with every intention of leaving that shit behind them (I’m one of these – escaped from nazi-controlled Maryland).

    I have no intention of corrupting Missouri into a nazi-shithole similar to Maryland.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Our quality of life has been diminished by the almost 4 million people that have moved here in the last decade.”

    That quote can apply to the entire US after Joey’s open border.

  3. What do we call liberal taxes to pay for illegals free everything, taxes and fees on everything, licenses for every job, inflation tax due to bad policies. How about “Communism.”

  4. I’m hoping it’ll average out to more than that $500. Some won’t pay the $250 to re-tag their car(s). They’ll likely get caught and get slapped with a citation and hefty fine and still have to pay the $250 they were trying to duck. Same with driver licenses: many will get caught with an out-of-state license and then face the same bank account bite.

  5. They should be required to show their voter registration card when moving in:
    Register Republican – $500 rebate
    Register Demoncrat – Annual $500 fee per registration, license plate, drivers license, property tax, utility connection fee, internet fee and ultimately pass an in-depth US Constitution test.

  6. Instead of a tax you have a Civics test. Give them questions that only someone who understands the Constitution and other important aspects of US government can answer (or maybe just ask them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and see if they hesitate when they say “God”).

  7. Oh yes, that’ll stop those illegals!

    Again, the only ones who will have to pay will be those who CARE about the law!

    Dumb shit idea. Keep out blue state legal taxpayers looking to escape communist blue state tyranny, but the illegals will continue to pour into your state and drain the coffers almost as fast as bidenhistime has drained the American Treasury (or what was left).


  8. Poorly executed, but I like the general concept. Keep Litards out of Red States. Can you imagine your average California Indian Intel Engineer being told he’s being transferred to their Idaho facility and him replying, I’m not allowed in Idaho, I’m a brain dead libtard.

  9. Just brand a hammer & sickle onto their foreheads. Whenever they buy something or do business with someone, a 50% surcharge can be added to help defray the costs of the stupid policies they supported.

  10. The carpetbaggers & scalawags ran me out of SC after 55yrs. It really got bad after Boeing started building their junk in North Charleston. Sold my old, worn out house for almost 3 times what it was worth to a Yankee & hauled ass & never looked back & don’t miss anything there.

  11. Can we ban the Yankees from voting and getting involved in political campaigns for a specified period of time? (Like maybe a generation?)

    One of the most infuriating things I ever saw on social media was a couple we met who had recently moved to town, taking a grinning selfie with their “I Voted” stickers on and posting it with the line, “Turning Virginia Blue!” I want to smack them every time I run into them at the grocery store.

  12. GA has done this with ad valorem tax on new registrations on cars and it is quite high. Many of the carpetbaggers don’t bother to get their car registered or get a GA license. There are a lot of out of state tags running around that are expired. My guess is they have also let their insurance lapse as well.

  13. @ Little Morphin’ Annie March 11, 2023 at 4:13 pm ,

    Part of the reasons I left VA for SC… Other than Miss Lindsey it’s been great here.

  14. New??? I moved to SC last August, paid $250 for the car, plus ‘property tax’. I don’t know whether he means to increase that or what. Drivers license wasn’t $250 though.
    The thing is, car registration here is pretty low (especially compared to CA!), but you pay the $250 up front when you get a new vehicle or bring one into state. Once.
    @RADIOATIONMAN – that’s about 10 miles from me, have been planning to launch my SUP board there.

  15. @CrackerBaby – where are you? I’m on James Island, Charleston.
    I know quite a few who relocated here from the swamp, a few of whom have residences in both places.

  16. The “lib” tax is a bad idea but something needs to be done to preserve their values and way of life. They should be welcoming of folks like me who would bring a fairly large tax base and would not be a tax drain, but implement guardrails.

    Pass a state resolution that transplants from California, NY, or Illinois can’t vote in state elections but can in nationals (You guys work out the Constitutionality of it, I have faith in you) for a subscribed amount of time, say 5 years. I would be fine with that.

  17. HEY! Not all Yankees are horrible libtards, there’s some fine people in rural upstate NY, away from the big cities. Both my parents passed last year, I’m thinking of moving someplace where it’s not winter 5 months out of the year. Maybe I’ll learn to speak Spanish and move to Costa Rica.

  18. LEFT DAN. I lived in Charleston and James Island for 25 years. Went to high school at Fort Johnson High.Be careful Bro! BAD BAD current where the Folly River hits the Atlantic. Shark city.Folly has some of the best waves on the East coast. The pier & 10th St.You in the Low Country now boy! Gotta be culture shock being from Cali.

  19. @RADIOATIONMAN – best waves lol. I grew up in Cali! Went out to Folly last August, the coffee place I wanted to go was closed because of the surf. I drove out to the surf spot and sure enough it was crowded… for 1-1.5 foot. I can’t imagine.
    I have heard that there are bull sharks around, also lots of dolphins. Paddled the creek toward Ashley River a couple of weeks ago and saw a dolphin. Not really worried – about the sea life or rough waters, I have boogie-boarded 8 foot surf and swam in great white waters, have paddled the SUP in the Pacific. Friends have done far, far more than that, I’m not particularly a stud in the water.
    Lack of any elevation whatsoever is the one thing I really miss. Loved hikes in the hills, whether CA or CO. And a have a really nice but relatively useless mountain bike, which I bought when I was moving to CO.

  20. @Left Coast Dan
    So, you’re a SUP guy, huh? Watch a YouTube video titled ‘Stand On the Rio Grande’. I was sitting in the hot springs along the banks of the Rio Grande River in Big Bend National Park when these six guys came floating downstream. They had just finished a 100-mile, eight-day journey through the most remote area in the US with no outside assistance. I still keep in touch with them.


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