Man Consumes 35000 Milligrams Of Caffeine – IOTW Report

Man Consumes 35000 Milligrams Of Caffeine

WATCH: These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.

14 Comments on Man Consumes 35000 Milligrams Of Caffeine

  1. Was it on a Monday after losing a hour’s sleep to the imposition of daylight savings time?

    (Sorry, just replying to the headline. Don’t have time to watch the video, as an hour of my Sunday morning was stolen in the night.)

  2. A perfect example of people making simple mistakes with potentially fatal consequences.
    It happens all the time, everywhere: driving, working in hazardous situations, crossing the street…
    And then there are those cases of people doing it on purpose….fentanyl, covid, etc…

  3. Teddy Roosevelt was said to have drunk a gallon of coffee a day when he was President. It’s no wonder that he was so hyperactive. I once drank 20 or more cups of coffee (all you can drink coffee for a quarter) at a Sambo’s restaurant with some friends after a Tues. night Bible study back in the mid 70’s when I was in my early 20’s and was awake all night and constantly peeing, I never did that again.

  4. Futurama was my 1st thought. Funny show.
    Seriously though, if not for caffeine, I could not go the full day w/o eating as is needed most days on my current gig. Apparently because it does maintain stores of glucose in my system.

  5. @ Little Morphin’ Annie

    I figured as long as I was time traveling anyway, I’d set my clock ahead to Jan 31,2025. Kackles and xiden were in prison and Trump was President.

    Then I woke up.


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