American Cities Humiliated In ‘Sister City’ Scam – IOTW Report

American Cities Humiliated In ‘Sister City’ Scam

Zero Hedge: The city of Newark, New Jersey fell victim to a humiliating scam in which its mayor signed a “sister city” agreement with a nonexistent Hindu nation called “The United States of Kailasa.” 

Kailasa exists only as an elaborate website created by a fugitive who’s been on the lam from Indian authorities since 2019 after being charged with rape, reports CBS New York. However, in a January 12 ceremony, Mayor Ras Baraka signed a cultural and trade deal with the contrived country.

“Whose job was it to do a simple Google search?” asked Newark resident Shakee Merritt. “No one in City Hall, not one person did a Google search.”

On its website, Kailasa portrays Newark as having committed the entire United States of America to a “bilateral agreement.” Newark officials say no money exchanged hands, and the deal with the fictional polity has been rescinded — just in case Kailasa tried to enforce it. 

Kailasa reportedly springs from the imagination of Swami Nithyananda, an accused scam artist and sex fiend. Nithyananda, who portrays himself as a “God-Man,” is wanted in India for “child abduction and sexual assault, forcing children to collect donations [for] fake enterprises, and sexual assaults against an Indian actress and an American woman,” according to Tap Into Newark.

It seems Newark isn’t the only American entity that’s been enticed into intercourse with Kailasa. In addition to photos from the Newark ceremony, Kailasa’s website also includes various honorific proclamations from dozens of cities, including Winston-Salem, Dayton, Canton, Richmond and Asheville.   more

13 Comments on American Cities Humiliated In ‘Sister City’ Scam

  1. You know what just happened?
    FOX News are running PAYCOM ads tonight.
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  2. “Nithyananda, who portrays himself as a “God-Man,” is wanted in India for “child abduction and sexual assault”

    So he’s Democrat Presidential material?

    DRAFT HIM FOR 2024!

  3. Be aware of other scams, fraud, and thefts. Wife says SKECHERS, WALMART, MOCKINGBIRD (single to double stroller), beis (travel backpack), and others commit theft and fraud against consumers. Add that Newark has long since been known as the ‘armpit’ of the nation.

  4. Check local elected and appointed officials real estate transactions. Joe Biden isn’t the only one getting the 10% For the Big Guy! Like Pima and Maricopa Counties, it impresses me that is more likely than not ubiquitous in Democrat machine controlled shithole jurisdictions. I’m also sure the cartels are paying them off to protect and expand their “homeless camps” that are nothing but fronts for Drug Dealing and Sex Trafficking Strip Malls

  5. Imagine being so stupid that you work for a city government and don’t even bother to validate the existence of your “sister city” with a simple search on Google Maps? Then you’d be a democrat who are the stupidest people on the entire goddamn planet.


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