If The Dutch Government Thought Its Farmers Would Submit To Environmental Statism Easily, It Was Wrong – IOTW Report

If The Dutch Government Thought Its Farmers Would Submit To Environmental Statism Easily, It Was Wrong


In a bid to defend their property rights, Dutch farmers showed up in droves in the de facto capital of the Netherlands on Saturday to protest their government’s overreaching climate policies, which demonstrators say will impede their ability to make a living.

Gathered in The Hague, over 10,000 farmers protested against the national government’s plans to halve the country’s nitrogen emissions by 2030. Under the guise of climate alarmism, Dutch officials are seeking to cap “emissions of nitrogen oxides from farm animal manure and … ammonia in fertilizer” by closing up to 3,000 farms near so-called “environmentally sensitive areas” over the next year.

While the government has claimed these closures will initially be voluntary, the threat of compulsory land buyouts for those who fail to comply with the program by the fall makes it a clear attack on basic property rights.

“We see the farmers around us, and we know how important our farmers are. How will we eat if we don’t produce food?” one protestor told Rebel News. “For all those families, they [have been] there for centuries. It’s their country. They made it bloom.” Government officials are “lying to our faces. They’re trying to steal the companies from the farmers, and they’re trying to take our freedom away,” another said. more

16 Comments on If The Dutch Government Thought Its Farmers Would Submit To Environmental Statism Easily, It Was Wrong

  1. Literally theft.
    You just know that the Bill Gateses et al are checking out the various lands to see which ones they want to claim. Because it isn’t about the climate.

  2. “…they’re trying to take our freedom away,”

    …well, yes, but that’s just a starting point.

    What they REALLY intend to do is reduce the food supply and take control of what’s left, so those who will not bow to them can be conveniently starved to death.

    Forget tanks and troops and, more modernly, F15s and nukes.

    The REAL weapon of Communism is starvation.

    Always has been.

    Always will be.

    Coming to a nation near YOU.

  3. judgeroybean
    MARCH 14, 2023 AT 10:38 AM
    “Their offices need to be stripped of excess power.”

    “Power comes from the barrel of a gun”
    -Mao Tse-Tung

    By the gun did they gain power (See Ashli Babbitt for further details)

    By the gun do they keep power (See the FBI, militarized and federalized PDs, and the Jab purged military for further details)

    And only by the gun will they “give up” power (See the Founding Fathers and the whole entirely of human history for further details).

    Thus it ever has been,

    Thus it ever shall be.

  4. Do they not realize that when the starving population resort to cannibalism, the government officials will be the first eaten because they will be the fat ones

  5. JudgeRoyBean
    “Those politicians need to be removed from office.”
    Then those politicians need to be hung until “well aged”, then used to fertilize the farmers’ fields.
    Lather, rinse, repeat until TPTB finally get the message.

  6. A-hole globalists and their climate ruse. F’ing fascist morons. At least the europeans try to stand up for what is right in the face of the globalist bastards. Most people in America are too busy watching sports and stuffing their faces while playing a game to be concerned with losing their freedom. F’ing duh.

  7. That much of the Dutch government conspired with German nazis in controlling and “managing” people this isn’t surprising coming from the lowly Dutch government or whatever they call themselves.

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