McCarthy Says He Will “Slowly Roll Out” J6 Video to “Every Individual News Agency” – IOTW Report

McCarthy Says He Will “Slowly Roll Out” J6 Video to “Every Individual News Agency”

CTH: Appearing on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo {Direct Rumble Link HERE} House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was asked about the January 6 video. He said, “we will slowly roll out to every individual news agency, they can come see the tapes as well,” and explained that Fox News had to go to the House to review the footage.

The questioning about this process starts at 10:55 of the video below. The main issue raised by everyone is, why doesn’t the House just post the video to a platform and let people go review it themselves?  Has anyone heard a good explanation for why this is not possible?  more

18 Comments on McCarthy Says He Will “Slowly Roll Out” J6 Video to “Every Individual News Agency”

  1. Release all classified docs from ALL presidents and let the shit fall where it may.
    Even the DNA stained Clinton years.
    Find out what Sandy Burglar put in his socks.
    Find out all about JFK, RFK, MLK, the CIA, FBI, NSA…
    Any space agency docs, any 9/11-Saudi docs, Fast & Furious obama traitorous docs.
    Let it all come out!

    Oh, and UFOs…definitely UFOs!!!

  2. If Tucker Carlson was smart, he’d provide a link to the block of complete J6 videos for the ones he covered each night to an independent website he created, where these would be the only items on that site on an independent server so the website wouldn’t crash every five minutes like Fox News would due to the traffic already there, like the Government websites have done in the past when experiencing ultra heavy traffic
    when certain items were posted there.

  3. Why is it up to Tucker to go through all that trouble?
    He got the ball rolling and now it’s up to McCarthy.
    CNN & MSNBC don’t want anything to do with that hot potato.

    BTW, “If he was smart.” ???
    The man has more balls and intelligence then all of cable news.
    I’m glad he is paid well because he needs security due to threats from all the right people…

  4. Loco,
    In no way was I insinuating Tucker wasn’t smart. He has all the raw footage. The Prog networks are running away from this like it was the Black Plague. If McCarthy is going to release this to the general public, you know the the Progs and Rinos in the House will raise so much hell, these videos will be Whitewashed, Sanitized, and Sterilized before we would see it, hence his quote, “I’ll release these videos in small amounts”.

  5. Smoke and mirrors. But it’s working, the video is useless, it’s just to keep everyone distracted.
    Everyone just needs to read Dr. Tar’s post to know how and why they did it.

    ht tps://
    ht tps://

  6. If you dump the entire archive now (March 2023), that gives everyone involved with the J6 fiasco over a year and a half to craft a singular counter-narrative to hopefully save them from losing their jobs in the 2024 election. Also, with no new infusions of truth about J6 from now until November 2024, they will dismiss it as “old news” and accuse us of being “stuck in the past”.

    But if you release a little at a time, the truth about J6 stays current and fresh with each new revelation. It also forces the opposition to create a counter-narrative with incomplete information, not knowing what other info is out there to be released. The counter-narrative they try to create today will be easily proven false by the revelations to come.

  7. It looks like Tucker Carlson has memory holed Jan.6, just like election fraud.He starts out guns a blazing on Monday and Tuesday and by Wednesday Jan.6 is never mentioned again.


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