15 Minute City Livin’ – IOTW Report

15 Minute City Livin’


19 Comments on 15 Minute City Livin’

  1. What is lost on the average booger eating moron who falls for their bullshit is that I have a thorough and complete understanding of what motivates their obsession with taking AR15s out of our hands. The fuckers would have no compunction forcing others who have no interest in living in a 15 Minute City into them.

  2. His hens did look good but none of them were available for comment!

    Well, in English, of course.

    (Egg production goes way down in the winter. It’s coming back up now for most.)

  3. I feed corn to the deer in my back yard every evening. I can get within five yards of them. They are free range deer. They have plenty to eat year round without me feeding them. They love the taste of the free corn. It’s a treat for them. I love to watch them as I relax on the porch. As of now, we benefit each other and they are safe. If a time ever comes when I can’t get meat at the store, I’ll get it in my back yard. Can’t do that in the city.

  4. joe6pak
    Those would be dummy eggs.
    “Fake or pot eggs are used to show chickens where to lay. It plays on the psychology of chickens as they prefer to lay in a nest that already has an egg in it.”

    Just like libturds believe in the media. It makes them feel safe. They give up their freedoms for security.

  5. When I was a kid decoy eggs were carved from wood. The ranch is on an 1886 water right and I suspect the decoy eggs predated that water right. The town was built over the irrigation ditch and creek and culverts have to be kept clear year round or the homes will flood.

  6. Take two ceramic dummy eggs and place one on either side of a chicken wire fence. Along comes the chicken snake. He swallows one, then slithers through the chicken wire and swallows the other one. Mr. Chicken Snake is screwed. Kill chicken snake, remove ceramic eggs and repeat.

  7. Reminds me of depictions of the old turn of the 19th century big city Jewish/Irish/Italian neighborhoods for the newly arrived immigrants.
    Everything within a one mile radius: groceries, butcher, doctor, housing…..
    The housing was squalid and substandard.
    BUT….the people were free to work hard, get an education, save their money, improve themselves, and move out to better housing and neighborhoods.
    There’s the difference between the “15 minute city” of yesteryear, and the planned prisons of the WEF.

  8. Anon, had the same issue. I also have a VPN that I had to whitelist for IOTW. Turned off my VPN and the video loaded. Not sure why I have to bypass my VPN to get here but sometimes it loads while running and other times not. Perhaps someone could explain how this is to the uninformed.
    Hope that helps.

  9. …I have a small flock of chickens that spend most of the day in a coop/run combination because of the ever-present threat of buzzards, hawks, and owls where I live. They can only free range when we can provide a chicken shepard (Chickherd?) to distract the lazily circling vultures. It’s been too cold and windy to let them out for long anyway, so they are pretty dependent on a heated waterer for most of their needs.

    On Sunday morning I went out and filled their food and water, which is normally good for a few days, but the wife usually checks on them daily. She didn’t on Monday because she wasn’t feeling well, so when I got home I went to check on them pretty late in the evening, and found that they had at some unknown time knocked their water over and were so thirsty they mobbed me carrying water jugs and leapt up to drink it as I was pouring it into the fill hole, almost knocking it over again in a full-flock frenzy of thirst.

    I rearranged the waterer to make it harder to knock down, and added a second one that isn’t heated so they’d at least have a chance if no one got to them for a day in future.

    So even though we had no evil designs or intention of making the chickens suffer, suffer thirst they did. And there was absolutely nothing they could do about it on their own.

    …Now make the coop the size of a city, put people in it that the politicians aren’t particularly interested in maintaining anyway, and add evil intent to the possibility of inadvertent neglect, and imagine what the result would be if the city chickens had no way out and no one else to provide for them.

    …Also, I don’t know what kind of chickens this guy has, but my hens don’t have to be ASKED to run out of the coop if I leave it open. My sex links (yes, that’s a kind of hybrid chicken, perv, it’s just about being able to idenify them visually at hatch and nothing else) lead the charge, but my Americanas always cause trouble about going back in. One of them looks like a bald eagle, and does her best to act like one too when it’s time to get back inside the wire.

    I wonder if Americans will share that same trait and be at least as bold as a chicken?

    …recent history, particularly with contrived viruses, suggests they will not…


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