Shaq allegedly in hiding as lawyers fail to serve him over FTX lawsuit – IOTW Report

Shaq allegedly in hiding as lawyers fail to serve him over FTX lawsuit

NYP: NBA Hall of Famer and TV personality Shaquille O’Neal has been accused of avoiding being served a class-action lawsuit filed against celebrities who endorsed failed cryptocurrency giant FTX.

The former Los Angeles Lakers star was one of several high-profile celebrities — including Steph Curry, Tom Brady, Giselle Bündchen and Larry David — listed in the lawsuit filed by FTX retail investor Edwin Garrison, who claimed his crypto account went bankrupt after “being exposed to” the celebrity endorsements.

Garrison’s lawyers revealed that out of all the celebrities named in the suit, O’Neal was the sole person avoiding the lawyers and noted that the allegations against him were among the most damning.

“It is really astonishing the measures he has gone [to] to avoid service of our complaint,” attorney Adam Moskowitz told Forbes. “The irony is that the admitted facts against him are probably the worst against any of the FTX brand ambassadors.” MORE

16 Comments on Shaq allegedly in hiding as lawyers fail to serve him over FTX lawsuit

  1. …so when to we serve justice to the Coof kill shot “Brand Ambassadors”?

    …you know, the ones that are coercing the poisoining of young children and causing miscarriages in pregnant women EVEN NOW?

    …This needs to be the kind of suit settled with a rope.

    …and if we do that, funnily enough, we will get the people who are bastardizing our currency at the same time.

    Funny how that works.

    …Almost like the same people are trying to destroy us from many different directions at once…

  2. I’ve seen some of his bragging commercials on youtube. It shows him going up to some black kids playing basket ball. He joins playing with them, then he hands each some cash. There’s several out there he likes to brag about. So, he likes giving money away, his and others, he’s a mini-me of the government. BTW, if you’re going to do something nice for people, don’t film yourself doing it – just for the thumbs up, and “look at me, I’m a good person!”

  3. Wait a sec – somebody’s admitting that he’s fucking dumb enough to do something that some fucking stooge “celebrity” told him?

    That’s rich.

    That’s tantamount to screaming: “Hey! Look at ME! I’m a fucking MORON!” while slapping himself on the forehead.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury … it’s obvious that my client is a complete imbecile … and lost money because he watched a commercial … we should pity fools and the afflicted …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Goldenfoxx

    When you are hugely famous like Shaq, people film you, fact of life. Many times celebrities will exhibit their humanity thinking it is a private moment and some ass-hat captures it on his phone and disseminates it on his own. not saying that happened here but when you are famous it is hard to do anything quietly.

    For all classless, evil, stupid, or just mean celebrities out there, Shaq seems genuine, friendly, and having a good heart. These types always get a pass from me.

    Since he is on TV almost every night, that process server seems really crappy at his job. Go to the TNT studios and look for the biggest guy in the building.

  6. “you took the money, you’re involved”

    Since when in the fuck is a paid spokesperson responsible for a companies product? This has never been done before. And Shaq does lean right.
    Shaq appears to be one of the few decent people in the Sports/Entertainment biz. He often give financial assistance. Even to white people. With no recognition.

    AND what SNS said.

  7. Brad, do you take money/jobs from people you know are compromised?
    shaq isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s rich enough to hire people who should know better than to taint their clients good name

  8. “Brad, do you take money/jobs from people you know are compromised?”

    Yes, my only customer is the Federal Government.

    None of this has anything to do with suing a paid spokesperson for a failed product. Are we going to start suing advertising agencies?

  9. @Rich Taylor: Shaq is the only one I have seen do this, and it’s definitely staged because he adds commentary at the end. It’s his money, it’s how he goes about giving it away. do it for the kids and not the camera.


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