Wellesley Shows the Trans Agenda is About Getting Rid of Women – IOTW Report

Wellesley Shows the Trans Agenda is About Getting Rid of Women


Wellesley College used to be a women’s college. Then it announced that it would let in any man pretending to be a woman. All Wellesley asked was that he at least do the bare minimum to pretend he’s a woman.

The current policy is that “Wellesley invites applications from all those who live as women and consistently identify as women”.

Paradoxically that means that men who falsely claim to be something called “trans women” are welcome, but women who actually are women, but suffer from the delusion that they are “trans men” are barred from the college.

But that’s not enough. The trans agenda is about eliminating women.

The woke contingent is attacking College President Paula Johnson (the first black president of the institution) for sticking to at least some concept of womanhood, and demanding an end to women.

17 Comments on Wellesley Shows the Trans Agenda is About Getting Rid of Women

  1. What’s that thingee about your own petard being hoisted?

    Since the bare minimum is just saying you identify as a woman, a dude could still do all the normal manly things; cat-call, fart in public, cuss, and brag about his 8-inch dick, but his self-identification negates all that.

    One (not using his brain) would think if you are a dude that this would be a great scam to get chicks, going to an all-girls school. I see 2 problems with this; the girl that sits next to you in English Lit that you want to get with is probably not a chick, and of those real females at that school, you wouldn’t want to spend 5 minutes with considering they go to Wellesley.

  2. The referendum also called for making the college’s communications more gender inclusive — for example, using the word “students” or “alumni” instead of “women.”

    Uhhh, that’s actually exclusionary to women. You can’t explicitly exclude an entire gender, the gender that makes the college what it is mind you, and at the same time call it inclusive.

    Also, I thought non-binary was neither man nor woman. Why would a women’s college accept someone who says, nope I’m not a woman?

    Da Faq is the matter with these people?

    Seriously, it won’t be long now before they are petitioning the school to walk around campus with their female penis flapping in the breeze in order to show off their womanhood. It’ll happen before actual real women free their own nipples.

  3. Well here’s the solution. Odds are the Trans freaks don’t have the resources to pay the tuition for Wellesley . Or any other University for that matter. They are there on some freak of the week grant. That comes out of our pockets. These Universities need to be boycotted by the normies. Alumni need to cut off all financial support. This can no longer wait until the “next class”.

  4. Per the Wellesly’s website it costs $64k for tuition alone and up to $90k with housing etc. for one year to attend a female university that can’t define a woman. Suckers. Although looking at their student photos I’m not sure you will notice a big difference since the student body look like a liberal women’s march.


  5. Check out this 1940s guide to HS girls on how to be pretty;

    ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdzJfiQSh7c

    Gee, nowhere in there does she mention how to tuck your penis in between your legs, a simpler time.

  6. My cousin went there years ago and got a bachelors degree in “equestrian studies”, which was intended for rich girls to play with horses for four years, not for someone to learn something to actually get a job. Her parents struggled to cover her tuition and she could only find a job mucking stalls once she graduated. She eventually got a job at the nearby GM parts plant where she picks parts out of big boxes and puts them into small boxes all day. She’s been doing that for 30+ years and is the most miserable person I have ever met.


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