Mark Kelly Asked If Social Media Companies Could Censor Citizens To Prevent Bank Runs – IOTW Report

Mark Kelly Asked If Social Media Companies Could Censor Citizens To Prevent Bank Runs

AZ Daily Independent:
Rep. Thomas Massie has confirmed that Sen. Mark Kelly was the lawmaker who inquired if social media companies could censor messages that could lead to runs on banks during a Zoom call regarding the failure of Silicon Valley Bank.

On Monday, Massie retweeted a Substack post in which it was reported that Kelly was the mystery lawmaker Massie had referred to in a tweet on Sunday. In that tweet, Massie wrote:

“Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate.

A Democrat Senator essentially asked whether there was a program in place to censor information on social media that could lead to a run on the banks.”


27 Comments on Mark Kelly Asked If Social Media Companies Could Censor Citizens To Prevent Bank Runs

  1. Conspiracy to commit Fraud.
    Kelly, et al, were seeking to do material damage to the depositors of SVB.
    Indict, try, execute … uhh … imprison – all involved.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. One of 4 great UNIPARTY folk elected by Mitch! Mitch also got hobbs elected there. BUT MITCH’S MOST FAMOUS WIN IS FETERNECK! Famous, last year that is. AG Garland has to be Mitch’s most famous in the last 4 years.

  3. Strongly urge people take out their money except enough to pay bills. Old-fashioned way under mattress or elsewhere is safer. Avoid online marketplaces amazon, etsy, ebay, walmart, target etc. No banking or money transactions in secure in these places anymore. Go to food markets directly and avoid online grocery and deliveries.

  4. “Old-fashioned way under mattress or elsewhere is safer.”

    Until they do a re-issue. Remember when messico did that? Gave em a week or so to turn their old pesos in for the new – and the new was de-valued by some 80% – but if you kept the old, it was just waste paper – the old was de-valued by 100%.

    Basically, government has become a criminal organization – an extremely powerful criminal organization. We are teetering on the brink of a Nazism/Soviet Socialism-style takeover.
    The Obola/Biden cabal has nearly destroyed us – I guess they’re just waiting on the final orders from the chinks. The chinks already have our manufacturing, so they must be after our agriculture.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Tim – FJB


    it also happened in INDIA

    Gold & Silver is a 6% FEE to convert & the banking system knows that you have done it in MANY Cases.

    IRS, ” sir, how can you account for this sudden amount of CASH you deposited to pay (Hydro, Gas,Taxes, Licences, cars, etc.)

    Also “lifestyle audits” $140,000 lifestyle with $38,000 declared income

    Cheers, with a coffee.

  6. When the crash happens everybody within days will know how bad things are. It will finally get people’s attention. But not to worry, the government will have the answer with a shiny new digital currency that can track your every purchase. But first they must destroy the dollar and suck up as much wealth out of the system as they can in the meantime.

  7. Brad,

    They sent him up – 4 times

    Scott & Mark Kelly – NASA study comparing aging as 1 was on earth & the other was orbiting in the ISS for 1 year to see the differences in aging.

  8. I can never understand people who are/were in the military & Run as a Demo.

    In the Old days they traditionally Underfunded the Military.
    Now they are Pussifying it while trying to escalate a War.

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