Lindsey Graham and The War Drum Band Going Bananas After Russians Intercept U.S. Spy Drone Over Black Sea – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham and The War Drum Band Going Bananas After Russians Intercept U.S. Spy Drone Over Black Sea

Lindsey again. šŸ™„

CTH: Senator Lindsey Graham (U-DC) is trying to get the Libyan band back together as part of the effort to escalate a NATO war against Russia.Ā  In the latest development, according to theĀ U.S. version of events, Russia took down a Reaper drone over the Black Sea:

The MQ-9 Reaper drone was making a routine flight before it was intercepted by two Russian Su-27 fighter jets on Tuesday. The warplanes dumped jet fuel on the drone and flew in front of it in a ā€œreckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional manner,ā€ according to a statement from U.S. European Command.

One of the Russian aircraft then struck the droneā€™s propeller, rendering it unflyable and prompting U.S. operators to ditch it in the Black Sea. (link)

TheĀ Russian version of eventsĀ outlines something akin to Russian pilots throwing a Pepsi at it.Ā  As relayed by Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov: MORE HERE

19 Comments on Lindsey Graham and The War Drum Band Going Bananas After Russians Intercept U.S. Spy Drone Over Black Sea

  1. A little Vietnam reference for you, USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy, the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 that escalated the damn Vietnam war by LBJ and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Same old bullshit, and now the RINO’s as well as democraps are inciting another friggin losing war even before it might start. I hate these warmongering bastards.

  2. We’re already in a war with Russia to deplete our armoury and on the other side China is at war with us to destroy our financial system! Meanwhile Jackass Joe and his merry band of fruitcakes are busy playing colorful Politically Correct Social Justice games and lying their asses off!!
    Our future looks bleak!

  3. I read elsewhere that the US is suspending all drone flights in this area of the Black Sea, which Russia has long ago publicly announced as being part of the SMO Air Defense Identification Zone. The US claims that it has been making drone flights in this area or months. Maybe this recent flight was the first one that danced over the line to see what would happen. I donā€™t know. But it sure looks like somebody FAFO what would happen.

  4. Unprofessional – versus routine flight.
    We used to be the good guys. Would blowing up Russia’s natural gas pipelines be considered unprofessional? Most would consider that an act of war.

  5. They falsely accused Trump of some kinky hotel urinating misbehavior in Moscow.
    Again more projection since Putin has been pissing on SloJoe’s cornflakes for over a year now.

    It doesn’t help that our Departments of State and Defense look like The Village People and the Special Ed class these days.

    But by all means, let’s go to war with EVERYBODY!

  6. More of Lindsey’s frenzies. The man is a senator for goodness sake. If that is what we have for senators we are well and truly screwed. And that is what we have for senators by the way. Eeep!

  7. Whoopie, we’re all gonna die. I couldn’t resist the Country Joe and the Fish reference. FJB and Lindsey Grahamnasty all the rest of the bloodthirsty warmongers. We evidently haven’t learned since Korea and Vietnam that wars should always be fought to win over our enemies, preferably unconditionally like World War 2.

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