Meanwhile, in Detroit – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Detroit

BPR: A white Michigan couple charged and arrested for the alleged crime of pointing a gun at a black family who’d harassed, demeaned, and threatened them outside a Chipotle near Detroit, Michigan has won their case.

On Monday, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Mary Ellen Brennan dismissed Jillian Wuestenberg and Eric Wuestenberg’s case with prejudice after the black family didn’t appear in court for the couple’s first day of trial, according to the Detroit News.

The Wuestenbergs were relieved, Jillian’s attorney, Terry Johnson, said.

“After almost three years of political charges and allegations against them, they’re feeling relieved and somewhat vindicated. Unfortunately, they will not get their full life back. But this is a step in the right direction,” according to Johnson. MORE

13 Comments on Meanwhile, in Detroit

  1. If you are human, you should get the heck out of Detroit.
    Take whatever loss you must – just get out. Some stuff isn’t worth your life.
    And the feral LIPs are going to get worse, not better.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I had ‘the talk’ with my son, and follow the fundamentals of ‘the talk’ myself. If there are a lot of ‘them’ around, you need to be ‘not around’. If you are going where ‘they’ are, go armed, but first, ask yourself why you are going. The reason needs to be a good one and if it isn’t, then don’t go.

    It’s cute to be all lovey dovey with the ‘element’ but the ‘element’ doesn’t necessarily see things the same way and if they’re the majority you’re going to play by their rules. Their rules are their business, their place is their business, and your job is to take care of yourself and yours regardless of where you find yourself. So, see to it you don’t find yourself in a situation where there are a lot of ‘them’ around.

  3. I was starting to feel sorry for them but if you are going to continue to live in the jungle, you better expect the animals are going to attack you someday and when the jury of your peers is all feral creatures, you have no chance. MOVE. MOVE fast. MOVE now!

  4. This is a comment to Walter’s posting. It is the same thing in Canada. In Toronto and Montreal it is the black population (they represent 3.8% of the population). In western Canada, it is the native Indians (who total 1.5 million out of 38 million in Canada). Most city cores in western Canada are occupied by the Indians. And then the mayor and council wonder why no one wants to go downtown except to work.


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