Texas: Critics complain about “drag queen bounty hunting” bill – IOTW Report

Texas: Critics complain about “drag queen bounty hunting” bill

LMT online: Critics are saying a new bill introduced into the Texas Legislature this year will only encourage a bounty-hunting trend that targets drag queens and transgender people. Texas state GOP Rep. Steve Toth filed House Bill 4378 on Thursday, March 9 that will allow anyone in Texas to sue people who perform in drag or host a drag performance where children are present.

The bill targets events like family-friendly brunch shows at restaurants or drag queen story time events at libraries or other family-oriented drag queen events. The bill says that people who sue a person or venue can be awarded $5,000 in damages. 

Erin Reed, a transgender rights activist and independent reporter, tweeted about HB 4378 on Saturday, March 11, saying that the piece of legislation could easily be used to target transgender people who perform.

The bill defines drag as “a performance in which a performer exhibits a gender that is different than the performer’s gender recorded at birth.” It goes on to say this performance can involve using makeup and clothing to dance, lip sync, or perform “in a lascivious manner.” MORE

19 Comments on Texas: Critics complain about “drag queen bounty hunting” bill

  1. Just saw this the other day
    Yesterday, once more
    Drew Barrymore (the hollywood firestarter)
    Was prostrate on her knees
    At the foot (literally)
    Of her Queen

    This really happened

  2. In a small city in upstate NY I over heard some one talking, “did you hear me shooting last night”, about shooting at a drug dealer that he said the police can’t seem to do anything about. He said he doesn’t try to hit them just tries to scare them off. He was shooting out of a second story window in the dark of night in the city. Looks like some people don’t have a problem taking care of things in their own way, to get results they want.

  3. Wild Bill,
    Best wear latex gloves to keep from catching something deadly.

  4. Wild Bill MARCH 16, 2023 AT 3:20 PM
    What’s the bounty on a trannie hide?

    Thinking you might want to be REAL CAREFUL when you skin one of them critters cause if’n you slip with the blade and rupture a gut they stink to high heaven.

    Lobby to just needing to show the ears or some other appendage…

  5. A couple of questions;
    1) Is there a bag limit?
    2) Can they be hunted over bait?
    3) Is a license required?
    4) Is there a season?
    5) Can you take either sex?
    6) Are they considered invasive or feral?
    7) Do they make a decent mount?


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