Contracts Released For CDC Purchasing Of Phone Data To Track Americans’ Compliance With COVID Lockdowns – IOTW Report

Contracts Released For CDC Purchasing Of Phone Data To Track Americans’ Compliance With COVID Lockdowns


The CDC used phone location data to track millions of Americans.

They were using the data to monitor compliance with COVID lockdowns.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported (May 2022):

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used phone location data to track millions Americans in 2021.

The CDC monitored curfew zones, churches, schools, neighbor-to-neighbor visits and trips to pharmacies through SafeGraph, a controversial data broker.

The CDC purchased the phone data and used Covid-19 as an excuse to buy the data more quickly and in larger quantities according to documents exclusively obtained by Motherboard through a FOIA request.

The CDC used the data to determine whether Americans were complying with Covid lockdown orders.

The CDC paid two firms, SafeGraph and Cuebiq, a combined $628,000 for the data.

Both contracts were signed in 2021.

The initial reporting on the topic only had a single screenshot of a single page of a contract – the combined contracts run 71 pages in total. MORE

20 Comments on Contracts Released For CDC Purchasing Of Phone Data To Track Americans’ Compliance With COVID Lockdowns

  1. We all know what’s happpening, who’s doing it, and what the final outcome’s going to be unless they’re stopped in their tracks. Where are we gong from here?

  2. Turning Airplane Mode “ON” is supposed to turn OFF all tracking of your phone, allegedly. However, I cannot receive any calls in that mode.

    Taking the battery out is also supposed to do the same thing. I use an Alcatel 4G with Internet and other whistles and bells that I pretty much don’t use (or have never set up) until getting home to my private rig and landline. The Alcatel is mostly for emergencies only away from home. If the Internet is critical on the road, I bring along the old lap top. But, it has been awhile and will have to check if any hotels still have DSL plug-ins available. Not very fond of wireless, using VPN.

    Used to think that the Internet and cell/i-phones were the best thing since sliced bread before COVID-19. Not any more, except for emergencies and on-call business.

  3. ^^^ that was me
    anyway, my understanding is that, if your phone is turned on and not isolated, bluetooth interacts (and records) with any other such devices in its proximity, and apparently that ‘feature’ can’t be turned off.
    don”t have a cell phone
    don’t want a cell phone

  4. @Dadof4
    It appears turned off for you, bu it isn’t for ‘them.’
    If it is an IOS device, check out the notification alerts for covid, which is buried in the Control Center. They say you can run off notifications, or bluetooth, but they will still alert you if you cam in contact with someone withh covid.
    Oh, and siri and alexa don’t listen when they’re turned off.
    How then, does it respond when you say hey siri?

    In another article, elsewhere, I read that they bought the records of 55 million users. They government can’t track as such, at least presently, but they can buy that info from someone else. Just because it was only 55 million doesn’t mean that everyone’s info isn’t recorded.
    I wonder what the demographics were for filtering to get to the 55 million number.
    You may think it is ‘off,’ but it ain’t so for them

  5. “…IBM and the Holocaust is the stunning story of IBM’s strategic alliance with Nazi Germany—beginning in 1933, in the first weeks that Hitler came to power, and continuing throughout World War II. As the Third Reich embarked upon its plan of conquest and genocide, IBM and its subsidiaries helped create …”
    “IBM and the Holocaust is the stunning story of IBM’s strategic alliance with Nazi Germany—beginning in 1933, in the first weeks that Hitler came to power, and continuing throughout World War II. As the Third Reich embarked upon its plan of conquest and genocide, IBM and its subsidiaries helped create enabling technologies, step-by-step, from the identification and cataloging programs of the 1930s to the selections of the 1940s.”
    history does sometimes repeat itself.

  6. Watch Former Navy Seal videos on Y-tube:

    Vigilance Elite/ Sean Ryan

    One seal he interviews – who became a tranny & then switched back discusses how many ways you can be tracked *& listened to even with “battery out”. he says certain “Chips” have been put into most electronics after a certain date that allow this.
    The quest is QUITE WHACKED OUT & POSSIBLY/likely BONKERS, but Sean Ryan has some great interviews. Recently the ultra long dist. Canadian JTF-2 Sniper shots where they were using specially made “Prisms” to reach out to 3Km. (USA made stuff)

    I think most here will be fascinated by most of his content.


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