Sacramento Bee Forced to Apologize for False Claims Against Charlie Kirk That Sparked Antifa Riots – IOTW Report

Sacramento Bee Forced to Apologize for False Claims Against Charlie Kirk That Sparked Antifa Riots

RedState: The Sacramento Bee apologized Wednesday for publishing an opinion piece that made false claims against Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, including the inflammatory accusation that he has called for the lynching of trans people in the past.

The article was widely considered to be at least partly behind the violent Antifa riots reported on by RedState managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar which occurred before Kirk’s Tuesday evening speech at the University of California, Davis. Two people were arrested after the melee. Kirk was furious over the allegations, calling them outright lies: more

8 Comments on Sacramento Bee Forced to Apologize for False Claims Against Charlie Kirk That Sparked Antifa Riots

  1. Knowingly publishing information known to be false is actionable.

    I suppose, however, that “We didn’t bother to research the charges so we did not know the charges were not true” will be successfully as their defense.

  2. Maybe have a “mostly peaceful” protest at the Sacramento Bee building.
    Show the management why it’s ALWAYS a good idea to do the research first, BEFORE printing the “news”.


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